While SkyRock is making a joke of this, he has a valid point.
Oh, and what he posted earlier where not scoring metrics (pure or impure), but mearly arena play suggestions.
Unless you have something productive to say go troll some other post.
the scoring system isn't quite right. it's a lot better than it could be also. it allows high time, and low time pile-its to fly and be able to see their ranks. by high time, i mean those that can fly high hours during a month, and low time, lower hours during the month.
an ex-squaddie of mine, would log well over 120 hours in a single month. there's guys like me that are lucky to log 20 hours in a month.
all of these suggested systems exclude the low hour pile-its. on top of that, those who wish to gain a decent rank, simply by gaming the game, WILL still do that. so now, we've excluded a portion of the player base, but in reality, that is ALL that was changed.
the best way to stop this poop, is to remove the top scorers from the homepage every month. let players see their scores on the score page, but stop "embracing" the top fighter pile-it, bomber pile-it, etc.
the last thing that would help stop these guys, would be to stop making threads like this. they're sitting in their basements, reading this poop, and laughing their arses off.
was that constructive enough sir?