Author Topic: AH u-win u-pick competition  (Read 187 times)

Offline Furious

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AH u-win u-pick competition
« on: November 21, 2001, 06:09:00 PM »
CAUTION: "Furious is spewing this idea forth because he is bored at the office when everyone else has left."

I think we can all agree that Hitechcreations is very much a customer oriented operation, but sometimes we just want something that we know we will never get, so.....

Here's my idea:

Anually have a 1v1 or 2v2 or 24hour or some other competition or random drawing that is sanctioned by Hitechcreations.  The winner would get to choose a specific item or aircraft that HT and crew would,over the course of the next year, create.

If I won, I could ask to have a specific plane as it was flown by a specific pilot including the (possibly unique) weapon set, engine modifications and paint job.

So I could ask for Adolf Gallands Bf-109F(with lobsters and champagne) or Robert Tuck's Spitfire or Tom Blackburn's "Big Hog", etc.

Anyway, it would be interesting to have these specialized craft to choose from and making it even more special would be that they were decided on by fellow customers.


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Furious ]