let me get out my gas can and approach the fire..
I brought up this plane WAY back.. perhaps a year ago..
of course just like now Krusty and the other usuals did their job and pissed all over the idea, insulted me, etc etc, just like they always do.. they feel its their job, dont take it personally, its their disorder, not yours, they, at some poing had an imiganary friend crawl out from under their pillow and inform them that it is their DUTY.. as the offical Aces High Forum Police to ridicule, and berate people who post anything that goes agains their own little personal opinion about how their world (which you just live in) should work.
but at any rate, I digress..
here is some info.

TEXT DATA400 mph at 10,000 feet,
453 mph at at 25,000 feet,
470 mph at 30,000 feet
climb rate under WEP:
3750 feet per minute at 5000 feet
3150 feet per minute at 20,000 feet
10,432 pounds empty
13,275 pounds normal load
15,500 pounds maximum