I didn't read everyone's replys but thought I'd interject.
I've started playing AW in June of '96, moved on to AWII then AWIII then AHI then AHII so I've been playing with an active account for 12 1/2 years now.
Cherry picking, hoarding, vulching, griefing, shade vulching, spying and everything else that happens today have been happening from the beginning although I think the pace of each of these has picked up a bit. What's different today is that the community is much larger. In the old days we all pretty much knew one another. Now I rarely know who it is I killed or got killed by. That anonimity in and of itself allows people the freedom to act as they wish which may be quite dweebish because they really have no reputation at stake. Being one dweeb in a community of thousands is a lot different than being a dweeb in a community of hundreds.
In the old days, in a smaller game with fewer people, I'd get into at least a few heart pounding fights every day. Unless you were at the furball they were mostly one on one, one on two or one on three max. Now I'm lucky to find this once a week. Getting constantly ganged by the new era players or flying in the hoard don't fit my tastes or desires. Over the past year or so I started playing for score just to find a new challenge because finding a fair fight against a decent opponent is a lot more difficult than it used to be.
When I first started I played every minute that I could. I couldn't wait to get my next chance to log on and play. Lately I log on and look at the map and sit in the tower, fly one sortie and log off. Sometimes when I have a day off and I know it's going to be a free day I look forward to spending the whole day playing only to log on, fly a few sorties and log back off. I recently took a full week off while I was at home every night... something I couldn't have imagined in the past and the longer I stayed away the less I cared about logging back on. Burn out, loss of interest, whatever it is it causes me to play less.
Back in the AW days you knew what you were going to get. Two maps (Europe and Pacific) with reflective plane sets in relaxed realism and full realism plus WWI and Korea. There was little development and virtually no changes in the game itself. While HT has done a good job of development overall (far superior to AW) he has also made exceedingly bad decisions that have driven players away. ENY, Splitting the LWMA, the "thin blue line" experiment (almost lost me for good on that one), arena caps and responding to BBs whines (star wars ack, getting rid of big maps, EZ mode bomb calibration, and the list goes on) among others. Some of these are not insignificant changes and each one influences gameplay and not always for the better. I guess each change improved HT's subscription numbers and I'm sure he doesn't care if the money comes from old timers or n00bs.
I really don't play any other computer games anymore (well, a few but not very often). I've been getting closer and closer to calling it quits over the past year but I keep hanging on looking for that one good fight. Really, there is nothing better than a heart pounding, sweaty handed "fair" fight. You just don't find many of those anymore. I'm still here (although playing less). We'll see how things go.