I agree with Shuffler. Attempting to use a SAPP approved blender in the home environment can result in severe injury, or even loss of life. Picture it, if you will.. you are ready to make that tasty beverage... have all the ingredients in the blender, you reach out to touch the elsuive "low" setting, and WHAM.... (since you mounted it to the counter so well) the torque RIPS your kitchen counter right off the cabinet, and it begins to spin uncontrollably like a heli with no tail rotor. as it spins its way through your house, it mows down everyone in its path. Your wife? bah... 2 halves are btter than one, right? Dog? not any more! Cat? Might as well call your local chineese restaurant.....
Go with the Oster... its made for the more sedate home environment.