Author Topic: Why are they staying?  (Read 6720 times)

Offline crazyivan

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2009, 06:16:34 PM »
 :salute AKs always fun with ,or against
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Offline Becinhu

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2009, 06:17:30 PM »
My squad keeps me around as well as FSO. Where else can I verbally abuse members of law enforcement and get away with it. Plus they know where all the good doughnut shops are  :t
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Offline projoe

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2009, 06:29:30 PM »
Last place I can go to feel like a kid a again!...and its fun watchin other 30/40/50ish yr olds actin like kids again too.  Now no one shoot me down or I'm gonna tell about your dweeb ho tardness on channel 200:
and if that doesn't work i'll tell my mommy.(she can beat up your mommy with one hand tide behind her back!) :rofl
Projoe 367th Dynamite Gang

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Offline viper215

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #48 on: January 15, 2009, 06:35:12 PM »
4-5 years here and I took big break one year. But im back and hooked. You learn alot ingame/fourms from people like guppy35. I also stay cause I have a great time with my squad.
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #49 on: January 15, 2009, 07:00:21 PM »
Not to derail, but I feel I need to address those bemoaning the lack of good fights nowadays compared to the fond, if often skewed, recollections of the past. By good, I am presuming you mean 1 vs 1s, although in my opinion there are many varieties of "good fights" other than a 1 vs 1s. I honestly get as many 1 vs. 1's as I want in the MA. The secret is to fly a mediocre-poor maneuvering plane, relatively low and engineer the circumstances so as to force an engagement upon or isolate a dance partner.

Certainly, if you fly an Lgay7 or Dweebfire16 highish into the middle of a crowded furball there's not a snowball's chance in hell you're going to get a 1 vs. 1. But, if you're lacking in them, analyze what you could do to improve your chances, because trust me, it's not that difficult to create the fights you want with some imagination, plane selection and tactics. I am hard pressed to find anyone that won't have a go 1 vs 1 vs. my Typhoon, every plane in the set feels they have a reasonable chance of success against it, so I almost never get run away upon.

If you're flying a dweebfire, Lgay7, Niki or Hurricane etc. and are complaining about 1 vs 1's, runners, gang-banging or picking, you're just proving you're an idiot and I'll be laughing at you. If you're good enough to be so picky you feel the need to whine about the circumstances you find yourself in you're good enough to compete in a less uber plane. Then, as if by magic, your dreams of 1 vs. 1s as far as the eye can see will be fullfilled.

You might wanna look over my tour stats (A8Moray).  This tour I haven't even flown one of the birds you talk of once.  Not once.  While I find your comment slightly demeaning and offish, I understand your angle.  Before typing, next time maybe do a little research. 

I haven't seen the inside of a Spit in probably 6-8 months, save for once sortie in a Seafire in defense of a port, and killed the same three guys dry spawning in LVT's 16 times.  Other than that, I haven't upped a spit in that long. I do like my Tempests, but I fight them, not run.  Basically, I fly four A/C.  Ki84, Tempest, A6m2 (the early zero), and Yak-9T.  With the exception of the Tempest, all are HIGH eny rides.
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Offline dentin

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2009, 07:46:51 PM »
I've asked myself that same question...why in hell am I wasting time and money on this silly game?   While I've not been playing this game very long, I have a very good reason to hang around just a tad longer.  That "reason" is simply because of several hilariously funny/witty/intelligent members of the 71st squad. I won't mention any names, for fear of embarrassing them. When and IF these people decide to vacate..I'll be outta here faster than stink on (you can fill in the rest).  :D
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Offline Zazen13

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #51 on: January 15, 2009, 07:50:34 PM »
You might wanna look over my tour stats (A8Moray).  This tour I haven't even flown one of the birds you talk of once.  Not once.  While I find your comment slightly demeaning and offish, I understand your angle.  Before typing, next time maybe do a little research. 

I haven't seen the inside of a Spit in probably 6-8 months, save for once sortie in a Seafire in defense of a port, and killed the same three guys dry spawning in LVT's 16 times.  Other than that, I haven't upped a spit in that long. I do like my Tempests, but I fight them, not run.  Basically, I fly four A/C.  Ki84, Tempest, A6m2 (the early zero), and Yak-9T.  With the exception of the Tempest, all are HIGH eny rides.

Yea, I have no clue who you are nor did I attempt to look up people's statistics, I don't have to. ENY doesn't determine how well suited to attracting 1 vs. 1's your ride is necessarily, it's more about relative maneuverability, climbrate and acceleration compared to the average plane in the set. I was speaking generally in that 9 out of 10 people who incessantly piss and moan about picking, ganging and lack of 1 vs1s are also cruising around at 15k in Dweeb16s, Lgays and the like. But, one of your rides, the Zeke for example, may be a high ENY ride, but it's also a horrible ride to attract 1 vs 1's with. You're going to get slashed to death, no one will get within arm's reach of you and you lack the speed to force a fight...

« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 07:53:07 PM by Zazen13 »
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Offline maddafinga

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #52 on: January 15, 2009, 07:57:56 PM »
I just got back after a layoff of several years.  I wanted to be flying during all that time though just was unable to due to circumstances.  Now I'm staying because of the re-learning of the acm and how to fight and win.  I'm staying for the furballs.  I'm staying for the having fun and flying with my squaddies, all of whom are also old guys from the earliest days of dos AW who still fly all the time.  I stay because it's great to run into old buddies from AW and chat with and fight them all.  And despite the fact that my skills aren't back up to par yet and I'm not much competition,  I stay for the occasional great fight.  Truthfully though, that's just the icing on the cake.  I love sims and I love this game.  I agree with Zazen (who I also used to chat with some in aw, though I don't know if he'll remember me) that I intend to be playing these games until I can't anymore.  
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Offline stodd

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #53 on: January 15, 2009, 08:01:38 PM »
I believe Zazen was just making more of a "general statemet", not specifically about you moray. ;)
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #54 on: January 15, 2009, 08:04:37 PM »
I'm staying until I kill all the spitfires!  :furious
Lighten up Francis

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #55 on: January 15, 2009, 08:07:18 PM »
I just got back after a layoff of several years.   
I remember you........ is good to see old timers showing up .....catchya in those virtual skys of thy Wild Blue yonder....... :)
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Offline maddafinga

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #56 on: January 15, 2009, 08:21:35 PM »
Hiya, good to see you again too man!

We've got more and more old timers showing up these days, and several more on the verge too.  Squadnights we get a dozen or so Muskies up lots of times now. 

The Musketeers Squadron
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Offline Animl

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #57 on: January 15, 2009, 08:24:00 PM »
Alll depends on the individual, I guess..

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Animl (seriously, you're right)
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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #58 on: January 15, 2009, 08:30:32 PM »
Been here for 22 years since campaign 1 of the original Amiga/Mac Air Warrior.  (Yes I know HTC didn't develop AW but several HT'ers did play it as I remember flying with them, and everything that I've play since then, i.e. Confirmed Kill, Warbirds, and AH were developed by HTC.) 

I stay because a) I have no life and b) I no longer buy or play boxed PC games because of paranoia of the intrusive DRM included with them.

I don't really think the community has changed a whole lot over the years; it's just bigger.  Bad things happen now but bad things happened 22 years ago (like people taking fully manned bombers to enemy fields, taking out the ack, landing, and taxiing around vultching people with the gunners).

What has changed, perhaps, is my tolerance towards the community.  After 22 years you grow just a smidge tired of, for example, people giving "Alt-F4" as the answer to every newbies question.  Oh, and one other thing I'm really tired of is the same old terrain texture tiles over and over and over.  But then HTC have said they wish to do a terrain overhaul so I'll stay and wait.

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Re: Why are they staying?
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2009, 08:30:44 PM »
I have stayed because I enjoy the game. I don't always agree with how some play but its there 15 bucks :aok

I think the Old Guard maybe im one of was use to the AW ways. Only 3 bases to capture, Front shots where disabled. There were draw backs to AW also. Take the Hit Bubble, Sorry this base sector is full, Please up from another base message. I due hope this game doesn't go down the same road AW did.  :furious

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