Rangoon, '42 (October, 2004) +4 Still have the Stein!!
LOL! I actually use my Rangoon Stein for a coffee cup in my work truck to this day!

Each scenario has it's own, unique characteristics. Some that don't reveal themselves until your a frame or two into it.
Rangoon '04 is one of them. I was Brooke's XO on the Axis side, and frame one neither one of us will ever forget! We had a bunch of walkons, a bunch of questions from pilots on the orders who showed up 3 mins before go time (before CM's could close the arena), and a CM that wouldn't let us delay another few minutes. We literally had to get everyone in the air and brief "on the fly". All that considered, we did OK through the 4 frames.
DGS is a crown jewel, that also went through a few changes along the way.
I've always love Midway and Niemens, both in AW and AH. I'd like to see them rerun. Fire over Malta deserves a second look as well. Rating them..
BoB 08, BoB 06 +0 CM of record for both, I think we need the proper Axis bomber(s) for that to work again.
Rangoon 08 +2 A20 Scout leader, a very interesting Scenario for me!
DGS +5 Scout leader for Axis, FM 2-4 I had an awesome group of pilots who stepped up, and made the difference for the Axis.
Operation Husky My first Scenario design, and thanks for the rating on the + side from everyone
Operation Downfall 0 Flew as a walkon in 2 frames. Too many game limitation issues.
Fire over Malta +5 Another Brooke, Newman teaming on the Allies side.
BoB 04 +5 My personal best Scenario as a participant. I shot down the ONE Ju88 from a ground gun that was making a pass on the ONE remaining building near the end of frame 4, that, if it had been destroyed would have meant an Axis victory. I didn't know it at the time.. That's what I LOVE about Scenarios.. Until all options are exausted, there are always options!
Coral Sea +3 Team Beta got it handed to us, because we didn't prepare as well as Team Alpha. The side switch is a good thing in this Scenario.
Kurland +4 I flew Axis.. Naso is sorely missed. A GREAT side CO.
Midway +4 TBM GL
BoB 02 +3 Flew Allies as a walkon for 3 frames
Scenarios not listed I did not participate in.
