Author Topic: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios  (Read 32598 times)

Offline Lusche

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #45 on: February 28, 2009, 06:06:08 AM »
Purely subjective "fun" rating:

Operation Downfall 2006  +1
My first one. My game experience suffered from having a horrible squad CO  :uhoh

Operation Husky 2007 +3
Some serious icon/dot issues. But having much fun flying with the Finns, because vox channels sounded as if I was flying with a bunch of orcs instead...

Der Grosse Schlag 2007 +3
Having too much trouble to keep concentration for a full frame to give it a higher rating, thiugh the fights itself very fun.

Rangoon 2008 -2
Failed being a SL, again serious concentration issues due to exessive boring patrol flying. Again visual problems - One moment clear sky, next second 50 cons at 3k distance.

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2009, 09:41:52 AM »
Really enjoyed DGS +5

New one out has too few 38 slots so another I won't be participating in I guess.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #47 on: February 28, 2009, 04:23:21 PM »
New one out has too few 38 slots so another I won't be participating in I guess.

We still have a few slots left for the 110C-4b on the axis if you still want to fly a decent two-eninged aircraft.  Plenty of other slots left for a variety of other aircraft too, and it's a 4-frame scenario (five if you count the practice) chances are if you show up early enough and get in touch with the right people they might ask you to fill a more-desireable plane slot if they didn't have enough of the registered players for those slots show up.

Not everyone is going to get their favorite plane for a scenario, but it doesn't mean you have to stand on the sidelines and miss out on the entire event that will be fun to participate in no matter what plane you're in (just as long as it's hopefuly something you can relate to doing for a couple hours and have fun).  Especialy since there are quite a few other options still available this early in the registration, I think you're jumping aboard the waaambulance and going home a little too early and missing out on what will likely be a scenario in the +4-5 range. 

But it is a free country, you're free to do or not do as you wish.   :salute
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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2009, 06:05:54 PM »
Shuffler....hold tight.  As registration increases slots should open up.  You might get that 38G yet.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline fudgums

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2009, 11:04:09 AM »
Im also sure that Kermit has last word in that too.  :noid
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline Krusty

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2009, 09:29:41 PM »
There are more planes in heavan and earth, Horatio, than are labeled as "P-38s"

Branch out once in a while. It'll do you good.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #51 on: March 05, 2009, 01:20:55 AM »
There are more planes in heavan and earth, Horatio, than are labeled as "P-38s"

Branch out once in a while. It'll do you good.

Well said!   :aok

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #52 on: March 05, 2009, 02:49:56 AM »
Battle of Britain 2008 (November, 2008): Spit I,  -2 (can't catch bombers, 110 does better than 109, always seem outnumbered for some reason, 0.303s do next to nothing)
Stalin's Fourth (April, 2006): T34, +4 (coordinated GV fun, balanced tanks i.e. I could actually kill something)
Fire Over Malta (November, 2005): Spit V, +5  (better balance, i.e. I could actually kill something)

Of course my opinion of BoB 2008 might be slightly biased by the fact that I did nothing but immediately collide with warping fighters or warping buff drones in all 3 frames  ;)

Offline Stoney

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #53 on: March 05, 2009, 03:46:11 AM »
BoB 2008:  +1

DGS:  +5  (Awesome event)
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Offline mensa180

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2009, 11:36:42 PM »
DGS:  +5  P38

By far the most fun I have ever had in AH.  The blend of history, organization, strict radio was all just perfect and greatly helped immersion.  Please do a second DGS.
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Offline MAG1C

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2009, 04:19:48 PM »
I guess I've played in the majority of the scenarios listed.  Favorites and least favorite?

Battle of Britain 2008  +5
Rangoon '42  +4
Battle of Britain 2006   +5
Operation Downfall    -3
Stalin's Fourth   +4   (It was a unique concept and scenery was GREAT!)

Offline Newman

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2009, 01:28:55 AM »

Rangoon, '42 (October, 2004) +4 Still have the Stein!! 

LOL! I actually use my Rangoon Stein for a coffee cup in my work truck to this day!   :D

Each scenario has it's own, unique characteristics. Some that don't reveal themselves until your a frame or two into it.

Rangoon '04 is one of them. I was Brooke's XO on the Axis side, and frame one neither one of us will ever forget! We had a bunch of walkons, a bunch of questions from pilots on the orders who showed up 3 mins before go time (before CM's could close the arena), and a CM that wouldn't let us delay another few minutes. We literally had to get everyone in the air and brief "on the fly". All that considered, we did OK through the 4 frames.

DGS is a crown jewel, that also went through a few changes along the way.

I've always love Midway and Niemens, both in AW and AH. I'd like to see them rerun. Fire over Malta deserves a second look as well. Rating them..

BoB 08, BoB 06  +0  CM of record for both, I think we need the proper Axis bomber(s) for that to work again.
Rangoon 08  +2 A20 Scout leader, a very interesting Scenario for me!
DGS  +5  Scout leader for Axis, FM 2-4 I had an awesome group of pilots who stepped up, and made the difference for the Axis.
Operation Husky  My first Scenario design, and thanks for the rating on the + side from everyone   :)
Operation Downfall  0  Flew as a walkon in 2 frames. Too many game limitation issues.
Fire over Malta  +5  Another Brooke, Newman teaming on the Allies side.
BoB 04  +5  My personal best Scenario as a participant. I shot down the ONE Ju88 from a ground gun that was making a pass on the ONE remaining building near the end of frame 4, that, if it had been destroyed would have meant an Axis victory. I didn't know it at the time.. That's what I LOVE about Scenarios.. Until all options are exausted, there are always options!
Coral Sea  +3  Team Beta got it handed to us, because we didn't prepare as well as Team Alpha. The side switch is a good thing in this Scenario.
Kurland  +4  I flew Axis.. Naso is sorely missed. A GREAT side CO.
Midway  +4  TBM GL
BoB 02  +3  Flew Allies as a walkon for 3 frames

Scenarios not listed I did not participate in.


327th Steel Talons TFS CO (ret)
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2009, 09:45:51 PM »
My working weekends has kept me from scenarios much to my regret.  I did burn Vacation time for DGS and it was everything I could have wanted in a scenario.  History, immersion, good folks to fly with and against, and it gave me those moments where I was in the cockpit as my imagination and my cartoon pilot merged to make it as real as a computer sim can do it.

So DGS +5
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2009, 06:14:35 AM »
Biggest gripe for me in DGS was that when I managed to lead my 190A flight for a perfect HO course to bombers we could only see them after they were 1.5k below us and in an earlier frame I could not see them at all even when I was in middle of them. To me DGS seemed to have a lot of potential if I count out the connection etc. issues. I'll give it +3.

BoB 2008 0, The scenario has issues with flight control system and when we saw the bombers we usually could not catch them. Of course the axis escorts did a very good job too. Lots of dogfights.

Op Husky (2007?), +2 Lots of nice action but was not exactly what I thought it would be.

Fire over Malta, +3 lots of action, nicely balanced scenario.

Rangoon 2008, -2, A bit too straight forward "get in get out" with devastating effects to either to us or to opposition. Lots of waiting and finally lots of action but not particularly fun. I'm not sure if the concept works OK.

Stalins Fourth, +4 Lots of action in air and on the ground, some minor issues with the setup but was lots of fun and gave huge doses of adrenalin.

"When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a giant meteor hurtling to the earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much screwed no matter what you wish for. Unless of course, it's death by meteorite."

Offline K-KEN

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Re: Survey -- your favorite and least favorite scenarios
« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2009, 11:10:25 AM »
2 More I was in were Guadal Canal July 2004 and Okinawa August 2003
I think I basically rate all I have been in as 4+ with most meeting my expectations and enjoying the experience. Being shot down or not completing a frame is kinda disturbing for me but that's what they are about. One life or limited lives make it truly a great time and experience.
Maybe my faves are BoB04 and 08, Stalin's 4th, and DGS. Operation Husky being my most disappointing effort only because I really stunk in the buffs there and the fact that our home field was destroyed and I recall captured!  :( 
I was a kinda frame 1 or 2 hero getting to the tgt, dropping on a FH and rtb when the rest of my squadron was k-killed. Certainly, it was fleeting!

Here is the list of Scenarios since the beginning of Aces High. I don't think I have forgotten any, but please correct me if I am wrong. Have I really been here this long?

Battle of Britain 2008 (November, 2008) (+2, LW FL, was ok, but not like previous BOBs)
Rangoon, '42 (2008) (August, 2008) (Did not Participate)
Der Grosse Schlag (October, 2007) (+5)
Operation Husky (June, 2007) (Did not Participate)
Battle of Britain 2006 (September, 2006) (+3)
Operation Downfall (July, 2006) (+2, Again, this needs to be re-run)
Stalin's Fourth (April, 2006) (+3)
Fire Over Malta (November, 2005) (+2, As the Designer of this event, I would love to see this re-run)
Coral Sea (April, 2005) (+5)
Rangoon, '42 (October, 2004) (CM Setup Duty)
Battle of Britain 2004 (August, 2004) (+4, Designed BBS Banner)
Kurland (May, 2004) (+3, Designed BBS Banner)
Ruhr (February, 2004) (+4, Designed BBS Banner)
Kadesh (October, 2003) (CM Setup Duty, Designed BBS Banner)
Operation Iceberg (August, 2003) (+4) (Designed BBS Banner)
Operation Watchtower (April, 2003) (Did Not Participate)
Battle for the Niemen (February, 2003) (Did Not Participate, Designed BBS Banner)
Midway (November, 2002) (Did Not Participate, Designed BBS Banner)
Battle of Britain 2002 (August, 2002) (+4)
Invasion Sicily (March, 2002) (+4)
Big Week (December, 2001) (Registered, but had to withdraw)
Hostile Shores (April, 2001) (Did Not Participate)
Afrika Korps (November, 2000) (Did Not Participate)
Yes we have

I think thats about all of them ... Big week 2001 was my 1st AH scenario ,I was moonliting from fighter ace back for it closed in early 2002 .

Malta is in the list to get rerun eventually ...