Author Topic: Fuel consumption  (Read 176 times)


  • Parolee
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Fuel consumption
« on: December 11, 2001, 10:53:00 AM »
In the real world we need 20 mins to travel to field B from field A. In AH we need only 5 mins. Acording to this, fuel consumption has been multiplied.

In real world we need 10 mins to climb to 20k. In AH we need also 10 mins. So, the fuel multiplier is affecting directly planes with an extremely poor rate of climb and a high fuel consumption level like 190A8 while not affecting at all planes like P51D, Ta or P38L.

Actualy, climbing in a 190A8 is extremely "expensive" and not climbing is extremely suicidal.

IMO, actual fuel multiplier factor is based only on distances, and it should also consider altitudes.

Offline lemur

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Fuel consumption
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2001, 03:12:00 PM »
Possible solutions:

Add 5 minutes of 'free' flight in every plane. 5 minutes to get to alt and NO fuel would be consumed.
Downside is that's way too easy to game (is it fair for a spit to get an extra 5 minutes if he only takes 25% fuel?)

Add 'per plane' fuel useage multipliers. So the 190s could be tweaked so they could get to alt easier.
Downside is that's a lot of work to set up all those variables. Too easy to screw up an arena by forgetting to set one.

Combine the two so certain planes get a 'free fuel' period so they can get to alt?
Downside is that's a pretty hacky way to fix something that isn't that big a problem.

I'm not trying to say this isn't an issue, I'm just saying it's pretty complicated to fix.


Offline Fishu

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Fuel consumption
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2001, 04:16:00 PM »
This has been one of my gripes in the past.
Especially talked of it in conjuction of FW190A8 also.
Just too costly fuel wise to even bother climbing past 20k and more likely should stay even below.

Lemur's idea sounds good, but I guess it'll be forgot rather quickly  :(
But anyway.. how about fixing it in a way so that only 100% fuel allows for non counted minutes.


  • Parolee
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Fuel consumption
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2001, 05:01:00 PM »
IMO, the best solution is just to pickup a plane with a mixture of extreme fuel consumption and low climb rate (190A8 is a good example), then adjust the fuel multiplier to let this plane (with 100% internal fuel) to climb to 30k consuming its WEP and then having 30 more minutes at maximum military power. And to fix better that issue, let us to select the fuel in steps of 10% instead 25%.