Author Topic: Hoing defined ?  (Read 4322 times)

Offline BnZs

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #75 on: February 09, 2009, 04:51:50 PM »
"The Fourth had been flying P-47 Thunderbolts since that spring, so Blakeslee came to us as a veteran who could speak with authority based on experience.  Don proved very durable.  By the end of the war, he had accumulated a thousand hours of combat flying, more than any other American fighter pilot.

"In Blakeslee's briefing that afternoon, he explained we had three tactics to use against the enemy: (1) shoot down the enemy plane (or be shot down), (2) make the enemy fighter break off an attack first, (3) if the enemy fighter fails to break off, continue on a collision course.

"We were stunned.  Did he mean we should deliberately ram the enemy head-on?

"Blakeslee hesitated for emphasis and then said, "We never turn away from a head-on attack.  If we do, the word will get back to Luftwaffe pilots that the Americans break first in a head-on pass.  They will then have a psychological advantage of knowing beforehand what we will do."

"A young pilot in the front row asked what would happen if the German pilot followed the same orders.  Blakeslee looked down at the young man with a contemptuous smile and said, "In that case you've earned your flight pay the hard way!"

And this is why all armies in history have prefered young men-you can get 'em to buy into this sort of thing.
By the time you've seen about 30 winters you get to wondering things like,  WTF do I care about the psychological state of the Luftwaffe if I just tried to swallow a 109 prop-first....
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 04:55:00 PM by BnZs »
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #76 on: February 09, 2009, 04:56:58 PM »
The very fact that it is a game, is another reason why the HO is a valid tactic.  If I play a game of chess with you, and decide to not put you're king in check-mate at my first opportunity, the game is a lie.  What if I pass a legitimate game-ending move, and you end up beating me?  Is your "win" valid?  No!  You only won because I "allowed" you to continue playing.  What's the point of allowing the game to drag on when one opponent blew it already?

Same for the HO...

OK lets use your chess analogy, this would have to be a new rule as there is no such thing in chess, but lets say once a game you have the chance to call the "HO Gambit". This entitles you to one roll of a pair of dice. If you roll anything over a 5 you win the game, under you loose. Now knowing you are not very good at the actual game, what would you do? Most of todays players choose to roll the dice and end the fight in one blaze of glory.

In some cases you don't have that chance to "pass up a game winning move", its forced on you time and time again. Too many people look for the easy way out and go for the HO, heck, its easier to just up another plane than it is to learn....oh I don't know air combat maneuvers!

I am going to take the high road and not call you any name. Your actions in your name calling says it all.  .... Fugitive

Grow up!


I am long past "growing up" and am now well with in being "crotchety". You post was ridiculous and I told you so, sorry. While I never was in a war, I know this game doesn't come close to real life in any way. Even my time in the service tho during "peace time" makes this game look like..... well a game.

You defend the HO, most likely because its your one and only move, and your score shows it. The game is about fighting, not just racking up kills. If you think your having fun getting kills with your HOs, wait until you can earn the kill by maneuvering for the shot, and downing a plane with a well placed burst from your guns.

Offline Hungry

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #77 on: February 09, 2009, 06:34:49 PM »
Wow I'd never seen those quotes from HT and Pyro, in a sense what a mixed bag I can see where it all comes from now.  AW pilots were all ACM with the exception of having to learn a variation of a merge tactic, (I personally never flew through someone in AW it was a bad merge if I did no angles). To get the full realm of possibilities into the game frontal shots were incorporated (Good Idea).  But some AH players found they could sometimes get kills by using this tactic to their advantage knowing full well if they lost a new plane was free to go get and it somewhat increased their odds to get lucky.   

Newer players with none or little knowledge and even less interest to learn ACM and eager for the Quake or Counter Strike kills don't see it any other way, Its a game I got a kill, and it grew and is growing. 

So what started as way to increase ACM by making all options available may have actually decreased ACM in mass.  Maybe that's why stubborn old AW guys like me continue to struggle.

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #78 on: February 09, 2009, 06:46:45 PM »
double posted
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 08:02:08 PM by Hungry »
"I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today"

Offline Yeager

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #79 on: February 09, 2009, 06:59:39 PM »
You defend the HO, most likely because its your one and only move, and your score shows it.
I sense some frustration on your part.  There is help available.

The game is about fighting, not just racking up kills.
This game is many different things to many different people.  It would be a mistake on your part to think that your view of the game is the only correct view. 

If you think your having fun getting kills with your HOs, wait until you can earn the kill by maneuvering for the shot, and downing a plane with a well placed burst from your guns.
The Head On shot is a guns solution shot.  Head On shots are easily made and just as easily avoidable. 
Talk with Shuffler about avoiding the Head On shot.  He is one of the best angles players in the game and rarely ever gets taken out with a Head On shot.  AKAK as well.  Great angles player.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #80 on: February 09, 2009, 07:46:16 PM »
I sense some frustration on your part.  There is help available.
This game is many different things to many different people.  It would be a mistake on your part to think that your view of the game is the only correct view. 
The Head On shot is a guns solution shot.  Head On shots are easily made and just as easily avoidable. 
Talk with Shuffler about avoiding the Head On shot.  He is one of the best angles players in the game and rarely ever gets taken out with a Head On shot.  AKAK as well.  Great angles player.

It is very rare that I get taken out in a HO,  I avoid them and will even give up angles to avoid them. The issue I have is the players that are coming in today, for the most part look for the easy path, and it is bring the general game play down in to the slums.

Fighting, or "combat" (Murdr should be along with the quote from HT about the game soon  :D ) is the reason for the game, it is what the game is all about. There are many avenues to that combat, but its still about combat. If you don't want to fight in a GV go play "iron Fist", if you don't want to fight in a plane, go play Microsofts flight sim. By going for the HO, you are giving up the fight and putting it all into chance, by not learning to fight and maneuver your plane your cheating yourself.

I've flown with Shuf and AKAK, as well as against them, they are ALWAYS good fights, and that's what its all about. You fight them you better bring your "A" game, and a HO ain't going to save you.

HO's are for losers, its a lame, skilless maneuver. Take some time to learn a real maneuver or two and challenge yourself to a fight with someone else who knows a maneuver or two. Other wise you might as well go play some stupid box game, I hear some even have AI that shoot back, so be carefull  :rolleyes: 

Offline GGhost

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #81 on: February 10, 2009, 11:42:47 AM »
I sense some frustration on your part.  There is help available.
This game is many different things to many different people.  It would be a mistake on your part to think that your view of the game is the only correct view. 
The Head On shot is a guns solution shot.  Head On shots are easily made and just as easily avoidable. 
Talk with Shuffler about avoiding the Head On shot.  He is one of the best angles players in the game and rarely ever gets taken out with a Head On shot.  AKAK as well.  Great angles player.

I don't spend all day on Aces High II, so my score isn't always better then everyone else. I never said that I was the best. But I sense that you like to think your the best.

But I learn, I turn and I do dogfight ACM's. But when I turn and the enemy is doing the same ACM and comes at me head on, I try to adjust for a angle shot on your wing or your fuse lodge. Giving into a basic ACM and not take a shot, when someone is going to shoot at me is pure ridiculous. I will take the shot and I will kill you or be killed period.

But I am not posting my crying HO or head on report.

I learn adapt and over come the situation. And move on.
Seems to me that you don't like any ones opinion, if it is different then the yours.
This is America if you don't like someone opinion.
You should be adult enough to handle it.

Some people never grow up.

See you later on the 200 channel - AKA: The whaan channel.

Later - GGHOST
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:02:00 PM by GGhost »
Currently not flying

Offline Yeager

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Re: Hoing defined ?
« Reply #82 on: February 10, 2009, 11:52:49 AM »
But I sense that you like to think your the best.

"/epic fail" :rolleyes:

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"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns