Couple of things I saw. At around 1:31 you went down for the P-38. I think that was a mistake, I think you should have did a flat turn and tried to get an angle shot on Scott. At around 2:45 you did a nice scisors on the Spit16, I will take that as a good example, since the 109G-6 is what I like to call a "one sided" plane. Turning to the left is your best bet, and I'm probably going to use that to my advantage. When the 109 tried to pick you, probably the best thing to do, maybe should have went to the right, since you had less E, then went for the reversal.
All in all it was a good film. I going to bring back the film that I have were I reversed a Zeke, and got myself stuck with 2 F6Fs. I will admit this, I was target fixated on the F4U low and slow. Although that was a bad thing, I knew exactly what was going on, and I took the risk.
The Zeke reversal was at the beginning of the film, and the 2v1 F6F flight was around 16:00 of the film.
Found it, here it is: