Was on last night, huntin gvs as usual..
But because of this thread, was lookin for
2fers.. Or the hattrick...
You know, killin 2 or 3 in one divebomb pass..
Got a few 2fers, missed a hattrick tho...
Osti got me... bummer man!!!
Was listening to AC/DC while playin the game..
Singin along, but corrupting the lyrics...
Kinda like this...
I'm goin IN, to wirb city...
Im gonna WIN, in wirb citay...
Where the hangars burn bright...
Tower your wirbAZZ tonight...
I'm goin in, to wirb citayayay..
So I'll spin my wheel...
Dodge that flak
And roll my 500lb dice...
Deny all your perkies girls..
And put your wirbies on ICE!!!
I'm goin in, to wirb CITAY
Let me burn your baby down...

Life is gonna get ALOT tougher for GVs...
But it OK with me!!!
Bomb ya later guys