Author Topic: Next scenario, Tunisia: Dawn of Battle -- the battle begins March 28, 2009  (Read 848 times)

Offline Brooke

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Movietone News coverage of the upcoming battle:

North Africa, February, 1943. After suffering numerous crushing defeats at the hands of Rommel and the Panzerarmee, the allies had finally won an important victory at El Alamein. However, now, Rommel has consolidated the Panzerarmee in Tunisia, in excellent position for resupply by air from Sicily and by sea via ports such as Tunis and Bizerte. Also, Hitler has ordered additional battle-hardened Luftwaffe units into the area, to strike a fatal blow to the allied air forces and to decimate allied forces on the ground.

The axis has at its disposal units from the Luftwaffe and the Regia Aeronautica along with the combined forces of the Deutsch-Italienische Panzerarmee, led by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel -- the Desert Fox. Their equipment includes the Bf 109G-2, FW 190A-5, Bf 109F-4, Bf 110C-4b, Ju 87D-3, Ju 88A-4, C.202, Tiger I, Panzer IV H, SdKfz 251, AA vehicle (as M16), and SdKfz 232 (as M8), and for supply purposes, the Ju 52 (as C-47) and cargo ships (CV's and DD's).

In opposition, the allies have the Western Desert Air Force; the US 12th Air Force; the British 1st and 8th Armies, led by General Bernard Montgomery; and US II Corps, led by Major General Lloyd Fredendall and then by Lieutenant General George S. Patton. Their equipment includes the P-38G, P-39D, P-40E, Hurricane IID, Spitfire V and IX, A-20A (as Boston III), B-17G, B-25C, B-26B, Boston III, Sherman M4 (as T-34/76), Sherman VC Firefly, M3, M8, and M16, and for supply purposes, cargo ships (CV's and DD's).

Armies and air forces will clash in desert warfare. There will be air combat, bombing, struggles for base capture, antishipping, ground attack, and tank battles. The fate of North Africa hangs in the balance.

Show-Up Time is 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time.
March 28:  Test frame
April 11:  Frame 1
April 18:  Frame 2
April 25:  Frame 3
May 2:  Frame 4

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« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 01:28:55 AM by Brooke »