That was fun Snaphook, it was JG11 at A24, you guys were just too fast for us to get on even though we had the alt and numbers. Wish I could fly as smooth as you, had you in my sights a couple times, just couldn't make up the difference in speed. I was going to congratulate Ramone(?) for not taking a HO shot when we passed so close, checked film and he did shoot, just too late though, don't really blame him being out numbered though. That pass made me think of top gun, "there he went, there whooo went!" Nice guys, great flying.
I was pedaling pretty hard:). No question in my mind that FSO is a much tougher test of overall SA/ACM then the MA. The short icon range really forces quick decision making with regard to relative E state as well an enhanced awareness of whats around you. I know I kept looking up at the higher dots... definitely gets interesting when you realize they're all red. I think I dragged Ramon in pretty deep there. I was trying to clear another squaddie and buff formation when a bunch of you guys dropped on me. Circumstance only gave me one window to scoot thru and I lost my orientation to the map. A 2nd attack forced me to dodge again specific to the threat. So I'm zigging while the rest zagged. Here I am telling Ramon on squad vox he's in to deep...and of course they're all busting up telling me to look at the map and sure enough I'm screaming on the deck at 375 right at A24
. Ramon was probably fighting back to me and I know I was in a sea of red for a bit.
We ran into a set of Ki-67's on the way out. Their escort seemed to hit us pretty hard perceiving us as a threat to the egg haulers. I don't know that we ever really reformed fully. I'd say we lost a couple (out of 12) initially and had 4 or so strung out...only leaving 6 or so actually with the buffs. With the initial attrition in the actual buff defense and pressure on the guys catching up we seemed to be sorely over matched. Given the circumstances I'd have squirted rounds your way early much to announce I was coming on through as to try and hit you. With the tremendous dive stability the Ki-61's have I couldn't afford to give away any speed at all...think i had 3-4 at a time at 800 or so multiple times.
Fun fight and from my perspective a great defense at A24. Also amazed how many fighters you guys were able to put over A108/P111 on the second strike. Ramon and I were very lucky to get out. Looking at the event log the 327th seemed to take a pretty bad beating at the end and they are a fine bunch of sticks and well led/disciplined in FSO. What I found surprising was all 6 kills were Ki-84's in spite of the high number of Ki-61's I saw. The 61's might not have the raw performance #'s but they are very formidable in FSO, seemed like I always had 1 or more bearing down on me from behind but could never commit to any in front. Is the Ki-84 a bit sluggish in roll rate at the high speeds we engaged at? Seems like they (Ki-61) just easily flicked out of the way while the Franks gave me a brief look. Noticed I had 3 assists but cant recall even hitting that many planes...