Author Topic: the old heavy dog  (Read 455 times)

Offline Professor Fate

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the old heavy dog
« on: July 21, 2001, 12:46:00 PM »
In another thread some discussed jabos' and it got me to think, here it takes me and the 190F-8 700kg worth of ord and dang near every round of cannon and several passes to kill a VH.  But I can drive by in a 190A-8 drop 500kg turn around and finish it off with 30mm on second pass?

Yes I do 'feel' something may be up with the A-8 being more lethal in ground attack than a F-8 (a heavy dog with little purpose) which was designed for the role.  Wish I could prove something but I haven't a clue how to write code or any experience in RL air warfare so thats all ya get just what I've done here in AH.

2) Planeset. There's a couple of very potent fighters, but then again, these are the two that see any real use in the MA. The LW sorely needs a GOOD jabo; the 1908 as it is is actually a poorer choice for jabo than is the D9 or A8; the A8 carries better guns and has better maneuverability and speed, and the D9 does everything better except it has 4 puny 50kg eggs less. The F8 is a heavy dog with little purpose. of course, i fly it *every time* I go jaboing anyhow - because of historical accuracy .


StSanta, we ALL have wishes for more planes and more than not most uf us want more from every nationality. Other wise I'ld say you have a good list of issues to be looked at by HTC, just as many other flyers of specific planes do. But the LW primary Jabo, the 190-F8 "is a heavy dog with little purpose." Wasn' it that in real life?? Where as the P-47 and P-38 were born interceptors and fighters turned Jabo was not the 190-F8 built specifically to be a Jabo? More armour etc etc?? Maybe Kurt should have copied the P-35 and not the Hughes H1  
But as for the guns?  

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]

Offline Westy MOL

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the old heavy dog
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2001, 01:15:00 PM »
What one plane can do in comparison to another is irrelevant imo. Why a 190A8 with heavy cannon can damage ground installations speaks more about the damage model than anything else.

 I do not have any references with me at the moment but I think the 190-F8 had much more in the way of weapons to use than we are currently given. More of a choice for that plane would help for sure.
 The 190F8 with the heavier armouring should be much more resilient to ground fire too.


Offline Wotan

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the old heavy dog
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2001, 01:47:00 PM »
I  fly 190f8 in attack role only as well although 190a8 is more suited for it in AH.

However the f8 is not as bad in a2a as some.

In HS our flight of hvy 190f8 was bounced by f6fs in frame 1. We shot down all the f6s losing 2 f8s to enemy fire on their first pass. We scissored and killed every f6f. We were on a cv hunt so we stayed out searching for it eventually our flight ditched at sea due to no fuel.

I'm currently 33 and 17 in the f8 fly it only with bombs and most of my kills are a2a.

I admit that the "eng kill" that plagues the f8 (other planes aswell) is frustrating but being a memeber of JV-44 Wurger-Staffel flying a chog or p47 will get me shot  :)

Also with the new "ditch" scoring I actually am able to land the plane but unfortunately always in enemy territory resulting in a kill. 750kg while not a light load is certainly is inadequate in ah for a "jabo" ac........

Enjoy flying it either way......... :)

Offline Professor Fate

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the old heavy dog
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2001, 01:50:00 PM »
Sorry, I really didn't want compare the planes I believe it is the way the damage model is also.  I been doing Jabo non-stop this tour and can really notice the difference, it seems I can cause more damage with a A or D than I can with a F series.  Rockets would be a cool addition I think, could kill ack with those and save gun ammo for vulching     :)

Oh one more thing, bring on Auntie Junkers!

Almost forgot!

7./SG2 'Immelmann'

[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]