Author Topic: Aircraft Skins  (Read 719 times)

Offline Voss

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Aircraft Skins
« on: January 01, 2001, 10:50:00 PM »
Those "other guys" just came out with something that looks like a skin editor for their plane set. I want to do that here. I truly believe I can make better skins then anyone else out there. Please let me do it here?  

Voss 13th T.A.S.

Offline 2Late4U

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2001, 12:18:00 AM »
The only system that would work would be a system that allows you to submit a skin and then HT would decide to included a limited number of skins for each aircraft.

I really want a slightly more radical change to make the country markings on each plane o reflect the country you fly for.  This way I can see an NME Niki with a Knit on it and not that blasted red dot.  Either that or allow squad markers on the tail/wings/fusalage.

Yeah, Im a dreamer

Offline Spatula

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2001, 12:25:00 AM »
The country skin thing is a great idea - i like it.
If everyone could make there own skins, then in order for everyone else to see them they would have to download them, either seperately or in the base download. So, as much as i like the idea, no thanks.
Alternatively, there could be a second sqaure or rectangle, like the sqaud nose art, where paid-up players, or players who have been payed up for X months can insert a small personal graphic. that way there will be personalised planes and less to download in the base DL.
Airborne Kitchen Utensil Assault Group

Offline SKurj

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2001, 12:36:00 AM »
I wouldn't mind seeing for example 3 skin options per aircraft.  3 different camos to reflect theatres.  A desert, a winter, a summer, or invasion stripes etc.  I know there would be alot of lobbying to get such and such a units colours. but hey its a compromise.


Offline Voss

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2001, 01:18:00 AM »
Considering, what I've seen out of the terrain guys recently, I just knew it was coming!  

The art here is really cool, already. But, with a skin editor coming out 'over there,'
why waste time making something for 'them'  when AH is where my squad is? I probably will, though, just to test my 51 panels out.

I just made a brand new model for the 'D.' I measured very precisely every panel line. As far as detail goes I didn't go so far as exact placement of rivets (yet, and I stress 'yet'), but it is pretty close already. With that it is possible to make image maps straight on. You can't do that on a real airplane, say from underneath? Finally, all of the panels can be reassembled into a skin. This is not a paint tool, either. It's photorealistic!

It doesn't pay for art guys to use this approach, because we'd never get enough airplanes to look right. It takes as much as two weeks to make a plane and only then after you have completed tons of research. After that you have to render the panels. That requires about two hours per panel, so a B-29 would require a lot more time, then a 51, in rendering. If you find an error you have to start over. Once a base render is done, squadron markings take fewer panels in modification. During, all of this rendering time, your system is busy and you cannot fly AH, email, or play Quake. The results, though, are astounding.

A fighter that you are familiar with takes about two weeks. I did an HE-111 once, that took over a month to do accurately. Perhaps, I'm spending too much time in detail, but the results are worth it to me.

I know there are issues. Whereas, I prefer to have the planes as pretty as possible, if it is going to effect any aspect of AH adversely, then I vote against it. If it is a logical progression of the sim, though, I'm ready when you are.

Pretty planes ain't everything.  

Voss 13th T.A.S.

[This message has been edited by Voss (edited 01-02-2001).]

Offline Zigrat

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2001, 06:29:00 AM »
like said, there shouldnt be unlimited skins availablle, just like there are not unlimited terrains available

in H2H you could use your own skins, while in the MA skins would have to be submitted to HTC and they could put a cap on available skins for each plane (even 3 to pick from for each plane, a winter camo, mabye a desert camo where appropriate, etcera) would be a big improvement. obviously the htc art staff doesnt have the time to do it themselves, so they should let us help them.

Offline Westy

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
 Well, AW has had this for over three years. It's a very, very nice feature, especially for scenarios and watching films later. I'd be al for it in AH.

 Funny how when AW had this ability the WB's folks on AGW "poo-poo'd" it. Now it's the hottest thing since sliced bread over there.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-02-2001).]

Offline Jochen

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Aircraft Skins
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2001, 08:48:00 AM »
Funny how when AW had this ability the WB's folks on AGW "poo-poo'd" it. Now it's the hottest thing since sliced bread over there.

Same thing with AH's ground war, controllable fleets, mission editor... WB folks do think they are cool until AH gets it, after that it's useless eye candy or way foor dweebs to destroy pilots fun.

Oh well...


Kids today! Why can't they fetishize Fascist military hardware like normal people?

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief
Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight
Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free
But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes
jochen Gefechtsverband Kowalewski

Units: I. and II./KG 51, II. and III./KG 76, NSGr 1, NSGr 2, NSGr 20.
Planes: Do 17Z, Ju 87D, Ju 88A, He 111H, Ar 234A, Me 410A, Me 262A, Fw 190A, Fw 190F, Fw 190G.

Sieg oder bolsevismus!