Author Topic: Terminator Salvation new trailers  (Read 839 times)

Offline whels

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2009, 11:44:39 AM »

Offline moot

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2009, 03:36:12 PM »
There's no Terminator ANYTHING after T2. Judgment Day DID NOT HAPPEN.
This is why I avoid trailers and discussing fiction movies/books/music with anyone before seeing em like the the plague.  Fiction is as good as you want it to be.  If you're going to take the piss out of anything creatively made....
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2009, 03:45:26 PM »
T2 was a waste?  That's like saying The Empire Strikes back was worse than the Phantom Menace.

Quoted for Truth.
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Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2009, 04:03:47 PM »
Saxman, what everyone forgets is while they attempted to blow up the building and destroying the chip & arm, while in the factory the second t-800 looses its arm in the gear, again from the elbow up, so AGAIN they have a second prototype arm to work with (and any military/corperation working on it would say, A SECOND ARM! EVEN MORE PROOF TO DEVELOP EVEN MORE!), this includes the information that was in the building on the metal makeup/compounds and how the cpu functioned, remember the cpu was crushed and thus none operation, but it still gave them "ideas" in this the crew of t2 TOTAL failed, while they didnt stop judgement day, they just prolonged the inevitable. Skynet still had everythign it needed, and so did the people making it. Remember, they made skynet based on the t-800's chip, all terminators have the ability to become fully functioning working thinking,feeling computers, skynet feared a hostile take over, or compassion for humans in the hand of learning* terminator's, skynets A.I "brain" is nothing more than a human made first generation t-800 chip, about the size of a room.

Terminator 2 was just as much about showing a terminators ability to learn to become human, just as much as it was about john and sarah trying to stop skynet again. "I now know why you cry, but that is something i will never be able to do" Remember when he picked up the minigun and smiled? That was his A.I saying "Me likey this gun" That was after the took out his chip in the garage,and turned it to active, after that he was slowly/or quickly becoming human.

Marcus will show us much, im sure.

Terminator2 was just as important as any other, another thing to think about is every time a terminator go's back, the timeline they come into, is no longer there own.

Skynet was destroyed by the resistence, humans had won, so every* single time a terminator was sent back, it is a alternative universe.

"No Fate" Thats what its all about, damned if you do damend if you dont, but its better you do something.

Go see terminator 4, when you get the chance.
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Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2009, 04:14:53 PM »
I think you all should rewatch terminator 2, pay attention to how he act's before the garage, and after it "when they remove his bullets and such" In the out takes, sarah and john turn him off,and remove his chip, turning it to active,thus making him a learning computer." notice how he picks up the baby and looks at it, how he asks "uncle bob?" to confirm a lie told by john, how he notices johns crying, hes becoming more and more human with each and every question and action taken, how john teachest him slang, or to be a wise arse.

"Out of all the would be fathers in johns life, it was this, this machine that turned out to be

This, is what skynet feared.

                Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly
      so clear.  The Terminator would never stop, it
      would never leave him... it would always be
      there.  And it would never hurt him, never shout
      at him or get drunk and hit him, or say it
      couldn't spend time with him because it was too
      busy.  And it would die to protect him.  Of all
      the would-be fathers who came and went over the
      years, this thing, this machine, was the only
      one who measured up.  In an insane world, it was
      the sanest choice.

"What if a terminator didnt know what it much of a threat would it be to humanity after it learned love, compassion and empathy, what if it cared for something enough to self terminator over?"

T4 is going to open your eyes to ability's you never thought possible.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 04:18:25 PM by BaDkaRmA158Th »
~383Rd RTC/CH BW/AG~

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2009, 10:39:24 PM »
Retired CO of the ancient **Flying Monkeys** CT squadron.

Offline crazyivan

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2009, 11:55:47 PM »
T1  and T2 are classic scifi! T3 could've been made better. :rolleyes: Sara Chronicles on FOX aint bad.

Yeah the song is NIN's. Christian Bale, So is he John Conner?
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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2009, 01:21:47 PM »
The problem is the time-paradox itself.  Both JC and the Skynet are trapped in it.  Skynet would never have had to send a terminator back in time to kill JC if JC hadn't survived.  Likewise, JC wouldn't exist if Skynet had not been "born".  In otherwords, there was no stopping what happened, by either JC or Skynet; no matter how hard they tried, a variation of the outcome was inevitable.  Same problem exists in "The Time Machine" story.  The inventor only invented a time machine to go back in time and save the life of his fiance.  But if he was successful at saving her, there'd be no reason for him to invent the time machine.  The time-paradox.  Mind-numbing, ain't it! :devil
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Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2009, 02:57:53 PM »
Exactly sabre, exactly.

~383Rd RTC/CH BW/AG~

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2009, 03:36:53 PM »
I just got my fingers crossed for an Oscar for best lighting.

Offline DJ111

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2009, 03:47:20 PM »
I just got my fingers crossed for an Oscar for best lighting.

Retired CO of the ancient **Flying Monkeys** CT squadron.

Offline Anodizer

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Re: Terminator Salvation new trailers
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2009, 08:00:49 PM »
Been keeping an eye on this one (as well as Star Trek) since before they were in pre-production.. 
Looks like one of those where I'll have to go check out the mid-night show... :rock
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