Saxman, what everyone forgets is while they attempted to blow up the building and destroying the chip & arm, while in the factory the second t-800 looses its arm in the gear, again from the elbow up, so AGAIN they have a second prototype arm to work with (and any military/corperation working on it would say, A SECOND ARM! EVEN MORE PROOF TO DEVELOP EVEN MORE!), this includes the information that was in the building on the metal makeup/compounds and how the cpu functioned, remember the cpu was crushed and thus none operation, but it still gave them "ideas" in this the crew of t2 TOTAL failed, while they didnt stop judgement day, they just prolonged the inevitable. Skynet still had everythign it needed, and so did the people making it. Remember, they made skynet based on the t-800's chip, all terminators have the ability to become fully functioning working thinking,feeling computers, skynet feared a hostile take over, or compassion for humans in the hand of learning* terminator's, skynets A.I "brain" is nothing more than a human made first generation t-800 chip, about the size of a room.
Terminator 2 was just as much about showing a terminators ability to learn to become human, just as much as it was about john and sarah trying to stop skynet again. "I now know why you cry, but that is something i will never be able to do" Remember when he picked up the minigun and smiled? That was his A.I saying "Me likey this gun" That was after the took out his chip in the garage,and turned it to active, after that he was slowly/or quickly becoming human.
Marcus will show us much, im sure.
Terminator2 was just as important as any other, another thing to think about is every time a terminator go's back, the timeline they come into, is no longer there own.
Skynet was destroyed by the resistence, humans had won, so every* single time a terminator was sent back, it is a alternative universe.
"No Fate" Thats what its all about, damned if you do damend if you dont, but its better you do something.
Go see terminator 4, when you get the chance.