Author Topic: This seems obvious to me  (Read 5282 times)

Offline LYNX

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #90 on: March 09, 2009, 08:25:44 AM »
Ok do not mind me, my credentials are only limited.

I only have about 20 hours total of real ACM.

I only have 1bout 600 total hours flying time.

I only have about 200 hours aerobatic.

The only planes I have done dog fights in, are T-6, P51ds, La7s, Marchietties, and RV8's.

Ok and never mind my credentials of very close to 20 years flight sim design.

So lets talk about your so called realism, that you are completely clueless about.

    * Combat trim
You seem to believe combat trim some how is unrealistic, but obviously since you have spent so little time flying real planes, you are clueless how trim actually is used by a pilot. You  seem to believe that flying a perfectly trimed plane gives some sort of advantage in a fight.l It is not, when flying hard manuvers the only time trim comes into play at all is when doing very large changes in air speed. When going from 160 to 360 the forces will become heavy in pitch, and with out ever thinking about it a pilot roll's in a little trim. Now the deal is, in most planes it is done with out ever moving your head out of the cockpit. Tell me how many players in a fight could find the correct key on a key board with out looking to roll in some trim?

2nd Tell me how they can feel the trim on the stick like you do in a real plane, Computer joy sticks work nothing like the real thing. You have zero feel for the forces acting on the stick, and it is much much harder to fly a sim as precesisly as a real plane. Combat trim is a compromise between how the real planes handle and the hardware that is available. It is an attempt at providing a much more realistic flying experience than what you believe it is.

    * Aileron trim for aircraft that did not have it, e.g. a lot of Spitfire marks, 109, etc.
Aileron trim that exists on real planes is only there so that a pilot can trim his planes hands off for long flights. In my RV8 I do this by balancing fuel between the wing tanks, as I am fairly sure most pilots do who can control fuel from each tank. There is no advantage what so ever to have Aileron trim in a dog fight, it is only there to lower the work load for long cruises. Why do you think the P51 had it when other planes did not? SO can I assume because you wish to change aileron trim, you wish to also want to fly 6 - 8 hours missions. And if you do not have this time available you are not permited to take a sortie?

    * Ammunition counters
We have a game  where it is best for people to be able to fly many planes. In the real world pilots put in many hours learning the speciefices of each plane. They knew before they flew how man secs of ammo there plane had. In the world of AH we do not require pilots to have 10 hours of instructions before put into combat in a new plane. Do you really wish the same amout of instructions before you are allowed to fly any given plane type? Or are you once again only taughting makeing somthing more difficult than it was in the real world in the name of BS realism.

    * No mixture controls
Mixture control has one purpose in life, to conserve fuel. When it is time to engage it is not even thought about to shove 3 levers ahead at the same time. Exactly how many people have 3 levers all  beside each other like most real planes have? How easy is it to tak your right hand and push all head to max performance like most fighters were capable of?
    * No supercharger controls
This one could be debated, but the real fact is do you really want to have to learn each planes critical altitudes just so you can do nothing more complicated than pushing one button? Because that is all you are asking for. Push 1 key when your altitude reaches one point. This sounds great fun to me, I tell you what since you believe it is so necessary to a good flight sim, I will write it, and you can come to my office and do nothing but watch the altitidude and press that so important button at the correct time.
    * No radiator/cowl flap controls for engine cooling
Once again, these really have very little to do with dog fights, they have much more to do with engine life.

    * No engine overheats
See above, exactly how high can you run your engine? Or would you wrather just have a randomize control your destiny.
    * Weak engine torque
Engine torque is 100% accurate. We do take one liberty with how the tail wheel operates, but with out those liberties very very very few people including you could get in the air. Do you know a gentleman name Bob Shaw? You know the guy who wrote books, flew fantoms, did carrier landings and such? Well he was tail wheel endorced. The scariest moment I have had in a plane was the first time he flew mine, and on take off he proceeded to bend my airplane enough that it required 3 months of repair.

    * 360 degree head swivel
In reality you have better than 360 deg field of view do to head and eye movement. Tracking an airplane in real life requires no thought as with a joy stick hat. Even with the 360 degree turning, tracking a plane in a sime is many many times more difficult than real life. So it is an atempt to bring things closer to reality. Not less as you seem to state.

    * Flaps auto retract when airspeed increases
Once again choices on how to implement realism, Putting the book spec with auto retract flaps puts more not less realism into the game. It simply forces you to fly as real pilots did. Show me data where the real flaps broke, how they were bent, what happen to all the different type. This data does not exist in any form I have seen.
So the options are make flaps break at the speed the book sais, or make them retract. If we made them work like landing gear and break, we would just put a loud noise before the would break, once again all you are asking for is another key press that is more difficult than real life.

    * No weather
Tell you what, Ill suspend your account 3 out of 7 days a week, because the simple matter is, with bad weather the planes did not fly.

    * Automatic bomb sight calibration
This is now the way it is simply because of the lack of precision of joy sticks. The point is that a pilot must be in the bomb sight, and must be maintaining constant speed and headings before the drop, just as in real life.

    * GPS clipboard map
Once again you are clueless about real life flying. 40 mile vis is not all that uncommon and 20 mile vis is very common. The detail of maps and compture screen do not even approach what real life is like. The volume of land marks you have in real life vs the sim do not compare. Before any long flight I spend a good 30 mins planing my flight path. Now if you wish to be forced to be on the ground for 30 mins before every flight, we could implement what you want, but I have a feeling you once again only what what YOUR brand of realism is, which really is nothing to do with reality.

The simple fact is in real life, people would not be in any of the planes we fly with out at least 100 hours of training. So tell you what, you send me 6 months of money in advance, and in 6 months I let you fly any of the planes we have. And in another 100 hours I will let you fly your first real sortie.

Because what you believe is realism, is nothing of the sort, you just wish to inflate your own ego on flying something that you perceive is more real when in fact it is much less realistic.

The fact is , AH is meant to simulate air combat.Learning this task alone is a never ending task. It is not meant to simulate all the boring pieces of flying that any one who has spent 20 hours of real life flying wishes they did not have to deal with.


With tongue in cheek I commend this post to the house.  With regards to the OP the concepts of management.  It isn't what I signed up for.  I'm sure this game would turn into a ghost town like the unmentionable sim HAS if anything near management was implemented.

I occasionally tune channel 6 help.  The amount of new guys that actually stick with the game is probably less than 5% ....I kid you not.  As easy as we find it to play they just give up after a day or 2.  The upside to this is less kids, less gamers.  The downside is less revenue for development / profit.  One could argue the merits of "in ya face" tuturials but to make the game a tad more complicated for these newbies is a no brainer death sentence.  Less targets my friends  :t

The only real gripe I have and admittedly it's a 6 year grip is bombers.   
    * Automatic bomb sight calibration
This is now the way it is simply because of the lack of precision of joy sticks. The point is that a pilot must be in the bomb sight, and must be maintaining constant speed and headings before the drop, just as in real life.

We know HTC can't code out stupidity but at least he could make it a tad harder for the gamey suicide bomber by only allowing bombs to drop from the F6 position.  At present bombs can be released from the cockpit and or F3 external. 

Much as I prefered the old method of calibration it's so much better to know why it's no longer used. :salute

« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 08:29:09 AM by LYNX »

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #91 on: March 09, 2009, 09:00:54 AM »
We know HTC can't code out stupidity but at least he could make it a tad harder for the gamey suicide bomber by only allowing bombs to drop from the F6 position.  At present bombs can be released from the cockpit and or F3 external.

one of my squaddies likes to do trad lanc runs for area targets where the lead will use the bombsite, the rest of the lancs release when they see the lead drop, great fun and you dont know what you've hit til you see the bursts :aok
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Offline Motherland

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #92 on: March 09, 2009, 01:56:06 PM »
Ok do not mind me, my credentials are only limited.

I only have about 20 hours total of real ACM.

I only have 1bout 600 total hours flying time.

I only have about 200 hours aerobatic.

The only planes I have done dog fights in, are T-6, P51ds, La7s, Marchietties, and RV8's.

Ok and never mind my credentials of very close to 20 years flight sim design.

So lets talk about your so called realism, that you are completely clueless about.

    * Combat trim
You seem to believe combat trim some how is unrealistic, but obviously since you have spent so little time flying real planes, you are clueless how trim actually is used by a pilot. You  seem to believe that flying a perfectly trimed plane gives some sort of advantage in a fight.l It is not, when flying hard manuvers the only time trim comes into play at all is when doing very large changes in air speed. When going from 160 to 360 the forces will become heavy in pitch, and with out ever thinking about it a pilot roll's in a little trim. Now the deal is, in most planes it is done with out ever moving your head out of the cockpit. Tell me how many players in a fight could find the correct key on a key board with out looking to roll in some trim?

2nd Tell me how they can feel the trim on the stick like you do in a real plane, Computer joy sticks work nothing like the real thing. You have zero feel for the forces acting on the stick, and it is much much harder to fly a sim as precesisly as a real plane. Combat trim is a compromise between how the real planes handle and the hardware that is available. It is an attempt at providing a much more realistic flying experience than what you believe it is.

    * Aileron trim for aircraft that did not have it, e.g. a lot of Spitfire marks, 109, etc.
Aileron trim that exists on real planes is only there so that a pilot can trim his planes hands off for long flights. In my RV8 I do this by balancing fuel between the wing tanks, as I am fairly sure most pilots do who can control fuel from each tank. There is no advantage what so ever to have Aileron trim in a dog fight, it is only there to lower the work load for long cruises. Why do you think the P51 had it when other planes did not? SO can I assume because you wish to change aileron trim, you wish to also want to fly 6 - 8 hours missions. And if you do not have this time available you are not permited to take a sortie?

    * Ammunition counters
We have a game  where it is best for people to be able to fly many planes. In the real world pilots put in many hours learning the speciefices of each plane. They knew before they flew how man secs of ammo there plane had. In the world of AH we do not require pilots to have 10 hours of instructions before put into combat in a new plane. Do you really wish the same amout of instructions before you are allowed to fly any given plane type? Or are you once again only taughting makeing somthing more difficult than it was in the real world in the name of BS realism.

    * No mixture controls
Mixture control has one purpose in life, to conserve fuel. When it is time to engage it is not even thought about to shove 3 levers ahead at the same time. Exactly how many people have 3 levers all  beside each other like most real planes have? How easy is it to tak your right hand and push all head to max performance like most fighters were capable of?
    * No supercharger controls
This one could be debated, but the real fact is do you really want to have to learn each planes critical altitudes just so you can do nothing more complicated than pushing one button? Because that is all you are asking for. Push 1 key when your altitude reaches one point. This sounds great fun to me, I tell you what since you believe it is so necessary to a good flight sim, I will write it, and you can come to my office and do nothing but watch the altitidude and press that so important button at the correct time.
    * No radiator/cowl flap controls for engine cooling
Once again, these really have very little to do with dog fights, they have much more to do with engine life.

    * No engine overheats
See above, exactly how high can you run your engine? Or would you wrather just have a randomize control your destiny.
    * Weak engine torque
Engine torque is 100% accurate. We do take one liberty with how the tail wheel operates, but with out those liberties very very very few people including you could get in the air. Do you know a gentleman name Bob Shaw? You know the guy who wrote books, flew fantoms, did carrier landings and such? Well he was tail wheel endorced. The scariest moment I have had in a plane was the first time he flew mine, and on take off he proceeded to bend my airplane enough that it required 3 months of repair.

    * 360 degree head swivel
In reality you have better than 360 deg field of view do to head and eye movement. Tracking an airplane in real life requires no thought as with a joy stick hat. Even with the 360 degree turning, tracking a plane in a sime is many many times more difficult than real life. So it is an atempt to bring things closer to reality. Not less as you seem to state.

    * Flaps auto retract when airspeed increases
Once again choices on how to implement realism, Putting the book spec with auto retract flaps puts more not less realism into the game. It simply forces you to fly as real pilots did. Show me data where the real flaps broke, how they were bent, what happen to all the different type. This data does not exist in any form I have seen.
So the options are make flaps break at the speed the book sais, or make them retract. If we made them work like landing gear and break, we would just put a loud noise before the would break, once again all you are asking for is another key press that is more difficult than real life.

    * No weather
Tell you what, Ill suspend your account 3 out of 7 days a week, because the simple matter is, with bad weather the planes did not fly.

    * Automatic bomb sight calibration
This is now the way it is simply because of the lack of precision of joy sticks. The point is that a pilot must be in the bomb sight, and must be maintaining constant speed and headings before the drop, just as in real life.

    * GPS clipboard map
Once again you are clueless about real life flying. 40 mile vis is not all that uncommon and 20 mile vis is very common. The detail of maps and compture screen do not even approach what real life is like. The volume of land marks you have in real life vs the sim do not compare. Before any long flight I spend a good 30 mins planing my flight path. Now if you wish to be forced to be on the ground for 30 mins before every flight, we could implement what you want, but I have a feeling you once again only what what YOUR brand of realism is, which really is nothing to do with reality.

The simple fact is in real life, people would not be in any of the planes we fly with out at least 100 hours of training. So tell you what, you send me 6 months of money in advance, and in 6 months I let you fly any of the planes we have. And in another 100 hours I will let you fly your first real sortie.

Because what you believe is realism, is nothing of the sort, you just wish to inflate your own ego on flying something that you perceive is more real when in fact it is much less realistic.

The fact is , AH is meant to simulate air combat.Learning this task alone is a never ending task. It is not meant to simulate all the boring pieces of flying that any one who has spent 20 hours of real life flying wishes they did not have to deal with.


Sounds good :aok

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #93 on: March 09, 2009, 05:03:43 PM »

It wasn't all or nothing, you could receive damage to vital components like elevators, ailerons, hydraulic/oil system, fuel but I think those were due to the randomizer and not really the damage model.  There were a few times that I had to land my plane without elevators or ailerons and quite a few times with a messed up engine because the maintenance hangers were damaged.


Yep.  AW hit damage results were similar to AH, but unlike AH how you got the damage was totally randomized.

Offline grizz441

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #94 on: March 09, 2009, 05:07:08 PM »

It wasn't all or nothing, you could receive damage to vital components like elevators, ailerons, hydraulic/oil system, fuel but I think those were due to the randomizer and not really the damage model.  There were a few times that I had to land my plane without elevators or ailerons and quite a few times with a messed up engine because the maintenance hangers were damaged.

Why I said IIRC but I flew Relaxed Realism Europe.  Maybe this was different?  It is entirely possible my memory is failing me.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #95 on: March 09, 2009, 07:50:27 PM »
I would suspect from these replies that there are not enough full realism people to adequately populate a separate arena.  I know AW had engine overheats and random gun jams.  There was no WEP key, you just firewalled the throttle and had to monitor your temps- if you overheated the engine could seize.

AW had WEP, there were many times I over heated my P-38J and damaged the engine because I left WEP on too long.  The only difference between WEP in AW and AH is that in here WEP recharges while in AW it didn't.  Don't recall the Kesmoids ever removing that feature from the game.

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Offline RumbleB

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #96 on: March 09, 2009, 11:45:52 PM »


Definitely find the game a good mix of fun and mental stimulation as it is.
I have played IL-2, I understand how to play it in realism mode.. the reason I play Ah2: It's more fun and focus is on the actual combat.

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #97 on: March 09, 2009, 11:53:57 PM »

Definitely find the game a good mix of fun and mental stimulation as it is.
I have played IL-2, I understand how to play it in realism mode.. the reason I play Ah2: It's more fun and focus is on the actual combat.

agreed. this is still fun. i've only been at this sim for a few years now, but a good fight still gets my heart thumping. same when i'm stalking a set of buffs.
 get into a gv battle......a big noisey game of hide n seek, and there's that same heart thumping.

for what this sim costs's a value that absolutely cannot be beat.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline RumbleB

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #98 on: March 10, 2009, 12:15:19 AM »
indeed, the most fun ive had recently was upping from a field taking on a steady stream of muppets. if anything adding 15 buttons to press it wouldve taken away from the experience by just making it frustrating having to do it over and over again (when I died).

No matter how much AH you play or how good you get you'll never be a WW2 combat pilot.
You'll just have a lot of fun and excitement.

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #99 on: March 10, 2009, 01:53:08 AM »
AW had WEP, there were many times I over heated my P-38J and damaged the engine because I left WEP on too long.  The only difference between WEP in AW and AH is that in here WEP recharges while in AW it didn't.  Don't recall the Kesmoids ever removing that feature from the game.


Yeah, I think you're right, there was a WEP control.  I guess my memory is not what it used to be.  For some reason after a period I don't remember ever seizing my engine- I guess I just learned to adapt.

Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #100 on: March 10, 2009, 02:17:28 AM »
It is again, so simple.

"What are you here for?"

"Im here to fly sir!"

"can and do you fly here?"

"Sir yes sir!"

Mission accomplished.
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Offline Kweassa

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #101 on: March 10, 2009, 08:30:22 AM »
It is again, so simple.

"What are you here for?"

"Im here to fly sir!"

"can and do you fly here?"

"Sir yes sir!"

Mission accomplished.

Things become a lot more complex once you realize the same analogue applies to Space Invaders.

Offline Bruv119

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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #102 on: March 10, 2009, 08:54:47 AM »
* No weather
Tell you what, Ill suspend your account 3 out of 7 days a week, because the simple matter is, with bad weather the planes did not fly.

this is my favourite bit,   FA brought in cloud rooms and those rooms helped contribute to killing it,  your screen was all white everytime you looked up  = bad eyes,  bombers would climb into it and not come out until they were about to drop.   Japanese fighters would hide in it constantly and only come out if they could see a number advantage.  you couldn't see through this cloud it was non transparent,   I only managed to kill a handful of guys whilst flying right behind them listening to engine vibrations.  it was a layer of about 4000feet thickness and TOTALLY pointless.  They announced their first operating loss last month, so should be dead soon enough, has only taken 3 years of decline.

I get a bit pissed when the dawn/ dusk comes in on some maps and I struggle to see plane aspects against the water.  same applies to night flying.  it isn't practical in your main arenas.
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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #103 on: March 10, 2009, 09:40:40 AM »
I hate to mention this but I think the reason IL-2 has ANYONE in its arenas is due to COST not FM fidelity, I have both games and I much prefer Dales game (no offense Oleg), if anything I would like larger target sizes at longer ranges (cause I am old and my eyes are beginning to suck).

I dislike some of the things Dale has put in but NOT the flight Model, I dislike eny I wish instead that AI planes would come on and off due to numbers, but hey I don't coad so I have NO idea how hard that would be.

When perks were first introduced I went balistic, and now see that they were needed and in fact in some cases need to be upped (can we say 262 :lol).  I too have flown these things for along time, back prior to AW when the only online thing was Red Baron on The Sierra Network, so I have seen things come and go.

I think AHII is doing just fine, my wish list is for Dale to dust off the old DoA code make some changes (for legal reason I suspect) give us WWI again  :D
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Re: This seems obvious to me
« Reply #104 on: March 10, 2009, 10:03:54 AM »
There was a game like that with more engine and cooling controls...... WAS.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)