Lets add:
Max bomb load 20,000lbs
Radius at max bomb load 400 miles
Radius at max fuel load 1,900 miles
Radius with 8,000lb bomb load 1,250miles
PB2Y-3 (a nice pick for a seaplane)
Max bomb load 8,000lbs
Radius with 8,000lb bomb load 690 miles
Max bomb load 2,600lbs
Radius with 2,600lb bomb load 1,362 miles
Max bomb load, internal 4,000lbs
plus wing mounted 2,000lbs
Radius with 4,000lb bomb load 700 miles
Piaggio P108
Max bomb load 7,725lbs
Max radius (bomb load not given) 1,086 miles
Douglas BTD-1
Max bomb load, internal 3,200lbs
Max radius with torpedo 740miles

Yeh, I know, limited prototype build only, 13 built. But talk about yer ground pounder, two torp attack plane.
(edited to radius, 1/2 range)
[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: M.C.202 ]
[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: M.C.202 ]