Author Topic: 3/9/08 AVA  (Read 2223 times)

Offline captain1ma

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2009, 10:40:06 AM »
and the sun just shines brighter and brighter!  :)

Offline Larry

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2009, 02:02:53 PM »
originally posted by Larry:
BS...Dawger is a career pilot in real life. In the sim world he's set up and run historical arenas and large scale events. He's been a trainer for years who's helped a multitude of people improve their game play. He's written training manuals and ran the WB's on-line academy. Salvan was a WB's trainer and CO of 475th, a squad held in high regard in the flight sim community. Then there's The Avengers. At any rate a lot of quality players new to AH have tried the AvA over the short time I've been here, none of them have stayed and many of the old diehards don't get it and don't care.

I don't care what dawger does in RL or what he did in WB. The few fights I had with him he always came in at 15K+ which gave him more the 10k alt advantage over me then proceded to dive in, over shoot, and climb back up. These "attacks" lasted until I ran out of fuel, patience, or he ran outta luck.  I don't know nor ever heard of salvan so I wont comment on him. As for the avengers, they are a bunch of no skill dweebs who are only good at bombing radar so everyone cant find a fight. Iv fought them many time when they had the numbers and alt only to come out laughing at them. One night stands out the most. That was when when tbar and I stopped six or so avengers from taking a base for over 45mins. Afterwards there were a few "cheater" comments here and in the game, and that was the last time I saw them in mass in the AvA.

Good to see all these KrustyJrs in here maybe one day they'll set foot in the arena.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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Offline fudgums

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2009, 02:12:21 PM »
I still think that the 49ths and JG54 arguements were alot better though
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Offline trap78

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2009, 04:33:43 PM »
I don't care what dawger does in RL or what he did in WB. The few fights I had with him……
That’s a big part of the problem. You make snap judgements about other players then flame ‘em on the BBS when in fact you know practically nothing about them. Don’t know and don’t care.

he always came in at 15K+ which gave him more the 10k alt advantage over me then proceded to dive in, over shoot, and climb back up.
There are lots of good sticks out there who’ll do more than just try to out turn you on the deck.

As for the avengers, they are a bunch of no skill dweebs…..
I’ve known these guys longer than you have and I’ll be the first to admit they're no saints, but they are definately not “a bunch of no skill dweebs”.

Good to see all these KrustyJrs in here maybe one day they'll set foot in the arena.
I flew with Krusty in several FSO’s last year and he’s a good stick and a decent guy. So your KrustyJr comment doesn’t bother me. As for setting foot in the arena, I’ve been flying Spit's and Hurri’s in the Battle of France set up. The week before that I was flying P-40’s in Tunisia. Even had a fight against you. So setting foot in the arena really isn’t an issue for me.

At any rate, this horse is dead Larry. If you want to continue to beat up on it, go right ahead.

Offline Larry

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2009, 05:07:30 PM »
That’s a big part of the problem. You make snap judgements about other players then flame ‘em on the BBS when in fact you know practically nothing about them. Don’t know and don’t care.

I know that dawger has little to no skill. Its not really flaming when its true. You want to show me you have skill at this game then come down and fight. Don't fly around like you don't have a pair

There are lots of good sticks out there who’ll do more than just try to out turn you on the deck.

There are alot more good sticks that know the only way you get good is to fight and not just B&Z the whole time

I’ve known these guys longer than you have and I’ll be the first to admit they're no saints, but they are definately not “a bunch of no skill dweebs”.

Then you really don't know them. All they do is pork, horde, then cry cheat when they die.

I flew with Krusty in several FSO’s last year and he’s a good stick and a decent guy. So your KrustyJr comment doesn’t bother me. As for setting foot in the arena, I’ve been flying Spit's and Hurri’s in the Battle of France set up. The week before that I was flying P-40’s in Tunisia. Even had a fight against you. So setting foot in the arena really isn’t an issue for me.

At any rate, this horse is dead Larry. If you want to continue to beat up on it, go right ahead.

Seems you don't know his history with the AVA and its BBS. He flies in the AvA about twice a year yet always has something bad to say about it just like some in this thread

Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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Offline VonMessa

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2009, 05:49:58 PM »
News Flash: the last couple times I was in the AvA you guys were ganging and running away with the best of them, in La-7s.  Larry was complaining that people were not respecting his 1vs1 fights, right in the middle of a furball, while batfinkv was getting cherry picked by guys in your squad.

Here's the deal: if you want the numbers in the AvA that will make it a viable arena, then there are going to be furballs, and people are going to get ganged and picked... and that's ok, but please spare us the rhetoric.  1vs1 fights can remain distinct when there are less than 10 people in the arena, but more than that, and it becomes a furball.  A furball is what people want because furballs are fun.  The 1vs1 ethos only makes sense when there are few players because any side imbalance become magnified, e.g. 3:2 is far worse odds than 9:10.

Lastly, the AvA does not belong to you and you do not have the right to tell people how to play there (unless someone is breaking rules established by the CM's, i.e. in BoA).  I remember Savlan and Dawger were there one night, two very good pilots, and I doubt they've come back because they were verbally harassed on 200 every 15 minutes when they weren't flying on the deck at 200mph spinning luftberries, and were using wingman tactics (oh the horror).  The day we no longer have self-appointed curators for the AvA will be the day when we have 60 people there on a Wednesday night, and I don't need to point what the circumstances were the last time that happened.

I would suspect that it would be a Tuesday night because of T.T., but I digress................
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2009, 08:07:58 AM »
I would suspect that it would be a Tuesday night because of T.T., but I digress................

And speaking of who the dog dragged in....where have you been, young man?

- oldman

Offline VonMessa

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2009, 08:29:24 AM »

Braümeister und Schmutziger Hund von JG11

We are all here because we are not all there.

Offline Chilli

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2009, 01:39:50 PM »
Hey it's nice just to see some posting going on in the AvA forums, place has been so dusty lately with inactivity.

We definitely need some new blood in the AvA.  People without axes to grind.  The AvA is the only place where you can fly historical rides in historical matches, and just have fun.  No red tape.  Hopefully Fudgums idea will get a few good eggs.

Hey, that's what we need, a recruitment poster!

 :aok  Right you are!!!

Offline Kuhn

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2009, 04:16:34 PM »
lol .. and the song remains the same ...

 :D Hi Oldman and Eagler, long time no see. I ain't been on much lately. Just looking around today to see whats going on.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2009, 06:17:06 PM »

 :D Hi Oldman and Eagler, long time no see. I ain't been on much lately. Just looking around today to see whats going on.


Well...why not stop in and see?

- oldman

Offline 1azbaer

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2009, 10:52:20 AM »
So party at VonMessa house? Anyone?

Offline 1azbaer

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2009, 10:59:19 AM »
Oldman, do any of the response look familiar? It's funny since our conversation that everything I have mention to you is in this POST. 

Since Aces I  the CT and the AVA have been my favorite arena's and yes I end up in the Mid war arena when the AVA is empty.

I am puzzled on why any one would want a scenario that would limit people flying in the AVA? (The career pilot thing.)

Maybe it is time the High Tech pulls the plug on the AVA.

Offline Krusty

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2009, 06:43:47 PM »
Saw this link in a general forum post.

So you've been enjoying my absence? Enjoying slamming somebody (apparently repeatedly?) for being driven off?

When I do come in here there are problems and issues with the gameplay. The same few people in charge have been running the AvA as a private playground (with group collaboration/control by the small minority of regular players in there).

And any time I express my valid opinion that doesn't kiss butt to the people setting things up, they lash out, attack verbally, and I frankly don't want any of this shyte, so I stop coming here. Then after a while I delude myself into coming back, maybe have a little fun, maybe not, but the same old shyte and the same old shyte-throwers are always here, so I go away again. I leave you to self-implode in your own sandbox. You can have it, if you're going to act this way!

Your trashing me and name calling while I'm not even here (driven off by this VERY attitude) won't stop. Maybe you'll trash somebody else? The point is you never stop trashing folks. Unless they follow what you minority-of-regulars want, you just keep pulling the same things over and over.

So once again I pop in, state my VALID OPINION and have been trashed (before even posting!). I'll check back in next time something interesting happens in the AvA forums (maybe never) that's worth the risk of being trashed in absentia.

Offline Larry

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Re: 3/9/08 AVA
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2009, 07:42:56 PM »
Looks like you are here and since you aren't PNGed I knew you would see this eventually. All of your 'valid opinions' are whines and that's not suprising coming from a cry baby. Each time you come into the arena you cry about something and then usually come in here and cry about it a month or two later. One such exampal was when we did a B26 bomber raid. That whole night you were crying that we were to fast for the Italian and German fighters to catch when in fact we were on 'max cruise' the whole time we were leveled out. Even after telling you this a few times you didn't want to believe us and continued the crying.

To have an opinion of the arena most would actually fly the damn thing more then two or three times a year, but that's not your way. You go in there one night and base all your 'opinions' on that one night thinking that its like that all the time.
Once known as ''TrueKill''.
JG 54 "Grünherz"
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