Author Topic: Enable 190 A5 on CV's  (Read 926 times)

Offline Buzzbait

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« on: January 08, 2001, 02:47:00 AM »
S! all

I know it is not at all historical, but I think the 190 A5 should be enabled off the Carriers.  Reasons:

1)  It is a contemporary of F6F, A6M5, Seafire II.

2)  It would probably have been selected as the Luftwaffe carrier aircraft rather than the 109T because:  (a)  It had a much sturdier undercarriage  (b)  It was much easier to land and take off.  (c)  It was a better low altitude Fighter and that is what is needed on a CV.

The issue that it was never used is really not germain.  Neither was the 109T used.  Everyone knows there were NO German Carriers.  So what difference does it make.  And since the arena is completely ahistorical anyway, why not make the Luftwaffe Gentlemen happy and give them a CV aircraft.  (Plus off course create a Stuka, so we can shoot them out of the air on a regular basis...    )

Offline garrido

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2001, 07:01:00 AM »
I am a lover of the LW.
 I fly 109 and sometimes (bad) 190, but I don't want 190 in CV because they never took off from a CV.
 If we begin this way, in AH we will see the rokweel UFO in the MA
My vote is NOT

Sorry bad english  


Offline maik

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2001, 07:24:00 AM »
Well said Supongo!!!!!!!!


Offline brady

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2001, 07:32:00 PM »
 I like to think of my self as being a calm and reasonable man but my response to these A-historical suggestions is NFW!,I left FA2 about 4months ago because they made such conseschions and I believe it is a kind of cancer that would spread throughout the game,next thing every plane will have air to air rockets because the Germans have them and the other guy doesn't,the line needs to be drawn somewhere.



[This message has been edited by brady (edited 01-08-2001).]

Offline Nefarious

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2001, 08:10:00 PM »
The 190 with power reduced and gear fully retracted dropped like a rock...well at least thats what Wings or Airpower Magazine said in the Latest issue on the Luftwaffe

It is possible but i think it would be a tedious task putting one aboard.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!


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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2001, 09:47:00 PM »
Its not a carrier plane.

Nope, don't want that.

I thought it was pretty obvious that only carrier planes should be on carriers.


Offline Karnak

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2001, 12:42:00 AM »
Wildcats, Devastators, Dauntless', Hellcats, Corsairs, TBFs, Helldivers, Judies, Vals, Kates, Jills, Zeros, Seafires, Sea Hurricanes, Skuas, Swordfish, Fulmars, Fireflies and Barracudas should all be enabled from carriers.

The Grace, Reppu, Bf109T and the Stuka might be alright to operate from carriers because they were all equipped to do it, even if they never did.

No other aircraft should be able to fly from carriers.  Period.

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[This message has been edited by Karnak (edited 01-09-2001).]
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Offline Buzzbait

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2001, 02:27:00 AM »
S! all

Well ok I got stomped, just a suggestion to help out those LW boys.

For all you guys who are historical accuracy nuts (and I count myself as one of them) who are you kidding?  The MA is a completely ahistorical mess right now.  Anytime you have LW aircraft shooting down LW aircraft and US shooting down US, then any claim for verisimilitude is a joke.  So allowing a 190A5 to take off from a CV isn't a real stretch.

If I had my option, you'd have a NE Europe server and a Rabual/Guadalcanal server and the sides would be restricted to the aircraft available.  But of course, that ain't gonna happen.

Offline Fishu

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2001, 03:16:00 AM »
I'd think that it would be fair to have conversions for 109's to operate from CV.
They had already emil enabled to operate from CV.

Why wouldnt later models, if we dont take account on germans success that probably made CVs even less important.

Now, if it would be scenario where LW would success, should it mean that LW should stick up with lacking petroil and oil of year 1944?
of course not...

So.. why not to convert each 109 to be able to take off from a carrier, with some additional weight for them (strenghtened under carriage and the hook)

sounds reasonable to me.. and if its really up for history on MA, just put those CV 109s under perk points.


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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2001, 03:50:00 AM »
Army planes were flown off carriers all the time.  They transport them to new battlefronts.  I've seen a photo of a squadron of P-40 WarHawks being delivered to North Africa on an American carrier.

However, thats not to say that this should be normal.  A normal load would have only carrier plane because of three things.

  • Carrier planes have folding wings for storage
  • Carrier planes have catapult lugs.  Steam catapults may not be used every day, but they did use them.
  • Carrier planes have an arrestor hook and strong langing gear.  We have an easy-mode wheel braking system that won't flip your plane, and THAT is why you can land any plane on a carrier.
Navy planes for navy ships.  I don't understand how this can be such a hard concept to appreciate.


LJK Raubvogel

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Enable 190 A5 on CV's
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by Hans:
 We have an easy-mode wheel braking system that won't flip your plane, and THAT is why you can land any plane on a carrier.


Huh? I guess you've never slammed on the brakes of a Stang and done a nose-stand?



[This message has been edited by LJK Raubvogel (edited 01-09-2001).]