Author Topic: I fly With Honor, How About You?  (Read 4498 times)

Offline Bark0

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I fly With Honor, How About You?
« on: March 23, 2009, 04:04:27 PM »
Just the Other day i was flying around in a P-51 and came to where the fight was over A10. I was at about 7K or so and Saw and F4F flying about 3K below me. So I dive down and Lock On his six. He goes into a turn and Knowing I can Fallow I Keep my sight on him. He takes me into the Sky where I see his Oil is out. "Great" I think to myself "Easier to kill" but then I stop and think a second. "This Man has fought in battle, and Probably has won Despite the Damaged plane" I am 400 out and climbing. The question rings out inside my head. Should I or Shouldn't I?

I Wave my wings and pull off to the left. As I check the map..the Damaged plane I once thought I could kill was heading Home.

About 5 minutes later I get into a good dogfight with Another P-51. We Scissors around for quite a bit and Then Collide. I loose my oil and Half my right wing. I level off..knowing I have So skill to Fight like this I turn back to base. Amazingly the P-51 i was just fighting took no Damage. As I turn back to my base. the P-51 Dives down from my 12...HOes me..and I end up in the tower.
I'm ok with People who are Score freaks...getting tens of thousands of perks every tour but people could at least fight with Honor.

When People bail out of their Plane I usually see Another friendly plane dive down and kill the Chute. I myself Will just fly By the chute and keep going. When People Shoot a Chute (Hey It rhymes  :) ) It reminds me of a book I once read. A man Bailed out of His P-40 and as he floats down to the Ground A Japanese Zero Dives down and attempts to kill the Chute. He takes many passes but fails to kill the chute. The Japanese pilot returns to base. The Wing commander Chews him out saying it is "Dis-honorable to kill a man who has fought Valiantly" The Pilot Bravely Retorts " Dead Pilots Don't fly another day".
The 2 pilots (the one that bailed and the one that was chewed out) Later on in the book both fight and the Japanese zero pilot Bails out and floats to the ground as his plane plummets to the Ground on fire. the P-40 Pilot zooms past the Chute and they both Wave to each-other.

I just hope this teaches someone something on honor while fighting.  I don't say you HAVE to do this...I am Just saying It's my style on fighting. And I would like to see this A bit more too.

1st lt. Barko Edwards

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There's more to AH than the LWA...There's far more early war hanger queens as you call them missing than there are late war cannon armed uber rides.[quote/]

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 04:17:12 PM »
I would have waxed the Wildcat.  If I was also that P-51 you were fighting, I would have finished the job and waxed you as well.  If you were in a parachute, I would have waxed you as well and then laugh at the thread you made about 'honor' in a game.

Oh, the Japanese didn't think it was 'dishonorable' to shoot someone in a parachute.  They found it to be more dishonorable to bail out.  So that story is bunk.

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Offline Dm6

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 04:36:28 PM »
Honor in here is a tough nut to define. If you have an honor code and enjoy playing that way. Your going to find that it takes more honor to stay honorable then it takes to be honorable in here.

Very few in AH respect any kind of honor code.


Offline A8TOOL

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 04:42:57 PM »
Back IN AW it was considered to be very disrespectful to kill someone in their chute. It was the worst thing to do if you really hated the guy. I still hold that belief and have shot very few of them out in the open.

On Snailman's advice many months ago, I shoot every chute in town range...but thats a different reason all together.

In the MA I don't usually not shoot damaged planes unless I seen them fighting for their survival and making enough kills to get away. If I caused the damage they are dead 1 vs 1 or 2.

In the DA I hardly ever go after them unless i know who it is. Spacy, RC....well any Temp or picker i spot trying to run but mostly guys like them. :aok

We all play the game different. Some learned at different times and some at different ages.


Offline detch01

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 04:43:57 PM »
Your story exists only in a fantasy realm, as do your expectations.

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Offline Max

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2009, 04:48:31 PM »
BarkO don't mind ack-ack...his Zoloft prescription usually runs out towards the end of the month  :rofl

Offline Steve

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2009, 04:49:41 PM »
I would have killed the wildcat.  Unless I was friendly with the pony pilot I would have killed him too, although I wouldnj't have given him a shot opportunity by HO'ing him. I've gotten kills in a pony with half a wing.
I do not shoot chutes, ever.
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Offline Cthulhu

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2009, 04:50:22 PM »
Bark0 meet Ack-Ack   :rofl

Ok, simple question? Unless you're hoping to camp the map room with your pistol, who hangs in a chute long enuff to get killed anyway?

And one further observation concerning Real WarWar is War. It's not some surreal 18th century game where pompous aristocrats dress up in silly uniforms and ride around on horses waving swords, all the while talking about "Honor" in warfare. War is killing and being killed. It should be avoided until absolutely unavoidable, then prosecuted with total ruthlessness once it starts. Accepting this reality would prevent many wars from happening, while shortening the ones that do. :salute

<End of Rant>
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 05:07:11 PM by Cthulhu »
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Offline thndregg

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2009, 04:58:42 PM »
Very few in AH respect any kind of honor code.

Respect is sparse where anonymity is prevalent.
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Offline caldera

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2009, 05:01:42 PM »
Why not shoot a chute? The guy is already down. He is also not a real live pilot.
Furthermore, what do you do while in a chute?  Give check sixes and battle updates via a radio that you shouldn't have without a plane attached to it.
Anyone hanging around more than a few seconds in a chute is up to no good.  Some even have landed and then vulched planes on the runway. I was operating a field gun against a horde once and one of these little buggers ran up to me and killed me. Fill them full of lead.  :devil
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Offline 1Boner

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2009, 05:03:08 PM »
I upped a heavy Typhoon to hit a GV at a flashing base.

Myself and another (no names) guy in an Il2(Ithink) are heading towards the same Gv.

He's a little ahead of me and takes a shot and gets the guy smoking.

I tell him on range that I'll leave the guy for him to finish off, since he hit him 1st.

A little common courtesy.

He makes another pass and kills the guy.

Well, the Gv ups again, and I turn towards it to drop my ord.

This to be un-named dweeb jumps in and says he can't wait all day for me to kill this Gv. ( I was within the Gvs icon range)

Of course he goes in and smokes him, and AGAIN I say ok, go finish him off. ( He thanked me again)

The GV pops up again and guess what happened.

Go ahead guess.

Yup, This dweeb wouldn't let me get to the Gv and I wind up landing with full ord, and he lands 3 kills.

Such is the mind set of this game.

I gotta believe this guy was also wearing his " I'd walk over you to see The Who" T-shirt.

Its the "me" generation.

Gotta love em.
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Offline comet61

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2009, 05:05:17 PM »
I never fire at chutes, either in the plane or in a gv. But...once he lands on the ground and pulls out his .45....he's open game.   :devil

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Offline StokesAk

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2009, 05:06:04 PM »
Usally if it is a 3 counry war I will clear the one person who is getting ganged and let him run home.

Offline Blooz

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2009, 05:07:21 PM »
Honor went out the window in 1915.

When I kill a damaged plane it does three things.

1- It gives someone on my team a kill
2- It gives someone on my team an assist
3- It gives the damaged planes' pilot a death ( I know, I know, points mean nothing....)

Shoot chutes because if he bails successfully he gets half his points. (Yeah, yeah, the points thing again....) he gets 40% of them even if he's captured.

Kill them.
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Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: I fly With Honor, How About You?
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2009, 05:07:48 PM »
I fly how i want, i die with honor.

 :salute :rock
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