My reply was to fugitive and the uproarious din of the "downhill play" mentality that is so prevelent. Now to address you and your stupid idea, most could care less about strategic goals and missions and score and rank and for that matter YOU! So when you're ready to pull out from behind your shade and analize the replies to the replies from your initial thread, you can join the rest of us in a little irrlivent computer game called aces high ! Get a grip This is not reality and you can play anyway you desire
Why is it so prevalent? Maybe so many are complaining about it due to it really being a problem. How long have you been playing shreck, your score goes back to 04, did you ever play AH1? Do you have any idea of what the game was like way back then? This win the game at all costs crap wasn't there. Sure there were squads looking to capture bases, but in the process of doing that they were willing to fight for it. These days people just slink around and try to grab bases from under peoples noses. I read one post recently and a CO of a squad was bragging at how good they are at NOEs and that is why they use them so much.
Sure you can find all those fight you were talking about, but they aren't GOOD fights. They are quick wham bam type things....then you have to look for another fight. In AH1 the fights lasted hours and it was a real accomplishment to win the capture. It was a fun challenging night. Today you may have spurts of fun, but the challenge is gone nothing is sustained any more. You could be in a battle for an hour, log off for supper, and log back in and join back in on the same battle....different players, but the same fight. People worked hard to get better, people trained, people practiced. Now people log in join the biggest horde and have at it. Its a sad view of what this game use to be.
Will I cancel my subscription, nope. I hope the game play will come back, and I'll continue to remind people what they are missing. I log on less and less these days, but I still look for and find some fun when I do, but should the game ever return to the way it use to be, then my wife will have to pull out those divorce papers again