Change perks and get rid of score. Make missions somewhat mandatory.
Making missions mandatory is a stupid idea. Some don't have the time or patience to wait until a mission is created or starts, you'll lose a large subscriber base by chasing away the more casual subscriber. Changing perks to what effect? The way perk work now is not an issue at all, the only issue with perks is that we need more things to spend them on, like a perked ordnance system. Getting rid of score while keeping rank is self-defeating. Do you honestly think that by getting rid of score you'll eliminate the score potatos? You won't.
_score guys no longer matter / change it to rank= It resets every tour
Like I pointed out in my above comment, removing score won't eliminate what you want it to. People will do the same to get a high rank.
_You achieve a certain rank you get to fly better aircraft and drive better vehicles.
You want scores eliminated to stop 'score whoring' but want better planes and vehicles as you gain rank. I hope you're not naive enough to think that people won't so the same things they do know to score potato to achieve a high rank?
_Change perks from a number to the amount of lone wolf sorties you can fly. (exception...Gv's and attack mode base defense)
Driving off a significant amount of your subscribers is not a very good idea. If someone doesn't want to fly a mission or with anyone else, there is no reason why they should be forced to.
meaning you fly "X" amount of missions (whether started or joined) and you get a lone wolf sortie. (Fighter mode)
_missions completed increases your rank
_missions landed increases you rank
Why? =score guys no longer matter
No, but their behavior is still the same. All you do with this idea is promote timid flying.
makes the game better by making players learn the game and how to play it strategically.(together)
Makes the game closer to real world war II tactics and forces people to help friendlies more.
Makes the players better by making them progress through the different types of aircraft to achieve rank.
Takes away the picking ponies because they are flying with others. They have to work together.
creates multiple hot spots instead of TT or A1 being the only action for an entire tour.
newer players would be flying along side more experienced players helping them to become better players.
It does none of the above things you listed.
- Forcing players to do what they don't want will only drive them away from the game. It will not promote learning or anything else you mentioned.
- This isn't a WW2 simulator nor is the goal to recreate WW2. It is a game built around aerial and ground vehicle combat using WW2 warbirds and vehicles. Last time I checked, Knights, Rooks nor the Bishops were part of the Allies or Axis.
- Again, forcing someone to fly what they don't want to fly is just another way of driving players away.
- With your proposed 'rank' system, it will promote and reward the players you described. You'll see far more timid game play with your 'rank' suggestion than what we currently have.
- It will not create new 'hot spots' for actions.
- New players are already flying along experienced players and if they are smart, they would pay attention or ask questions. Nothing is stopping them from doing that now, so your last point is rather moot.