Author Topic: Hanger sound  (Read 823 times)

Online The Fugitive

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2009, 09:15:22 PM »
film your flights.... hit ALT R then you can review the mistakes with the film viewer. or, you can upload the films here, for free and post the link here and ask other to look at your film. Most people will give you a run down of what they see wrong, and how you might try to fix it.

Offline GenMata

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2009, 12:17:21 AM »
I am noob and learning to fly without stall limiter.

I usually know what I've done wrong up top, I'm impatient and get too slow.
The other planes just seem to wiz all around me. I can't stay on any plane.

I learned to limit the use of rudders in the P38.
But in one engine planes on deck when I turn on the wing I often flip over and that's without rudder.
What causes the flips?


Offline _vic_

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2009, 12:23:45 AM »
Have you configured any of your stick scalings?

When you say you "flip over" do you mean the plane starts to roll quickly out of control?

It kind of sounds like maybe your snap stalling, or snap rolling. That's when you roll over to one side and pull hard back on the stick...

We don't have much to go on as far as what you're experiencing (until you make a video).

If I had to bet, I'd say that you need to either learn to use a "lighter touch" on the stick, or setup some stick dampening under your control setup.

- but I'm no pro. I'm sure someone here will have a better answer for you.

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2009, 12:38:38 AM »
I scaled my stick like others here suggest.
It is very possible I'm pulling to hard.

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2009, 07:40:49 AM »
Thats why I suggested you film and post them. It would be much easier to see what your doing wrong. I fly the 38 a lot, its one of my favorites, and I do ok in it. I almost never stall it and I'm on the rudders all the time in a fight. That big old girl needs a lot of rudder to get her through a turn/roll quick.

It sounds to me that you might be getting to slow. Maneuvering below 200 is a bit tricky and where you must be very easy on the controls. 200-300 is the range where most of your flying is done, and over 300 is used for "boom and zoom" passes, and well running  :D  These are just ballpark numbers. You can BnZ much slower, or fight much faster, but these will give you a general idea.

Scaling your stick is a pretty personal thing. What might be good for me could really suck for you and vis-a-versa. Ack-Ack has a pretty neutral one posted on the boards. A lot of people start with his and adjust from there. It also depends on which kind of stick you use as well, some stick react quicker than others and need a bit more scaling. The more info we have the more we can help.

Offline GenMata

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2009, 03:57:22 PM »
This is an offline mission Ava furball great for learning E management, target practice and even some TnB skills.

Here is a film of me flying the p47D-25 before editing it to p47N and putting N1ks in.

Trying to work on my gun skills as well I handling. I know in the game I would have to watch my back much more. The p47 and the n1k2 handle great but when I get near the deck and turn my overly anxious tendencies cause me to flip most every plane. There's the first problem.

P38 is a favorite but up high I get too slow chasing and I have those hard spins that often take me too the ground. I think they call it flat spins. Sometimes I can regain control. On the deck I often flip it too when I turn up on a wing. Pulling too hard or just too slow.

I guess I need more time to get use to the stall factor.

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2009, 04:32:46 PM »
Looks to me like you ruddered right into trouble on that one. You you were pushing hard to make the shot, and when you went to recover you clipped a wing. The P47 is a big heavy plane, it won't dance around like those KIs and Niks. It carries a lot of momentum, and basically you skidded into the deck.

You seemed to have a hard time picking a target   :)  Maybe a mission with out so many would be better until you get a feel for it. For the most part you looked pretty smooth on the controls, until you really pushed for that shot. P47s P38 to a big extent, FW190, P51s, F4Us are all planes you set up a shot with. Calculate "where" the target is going, then go meet it there. Niks, zeros, hurris, f4fs most of the 109s are all planes more used to take what ever shot is available. They are more nimble and can with a kick of the rudder get  your shot, and then pop back. The bigger heavier planes need more "planing" to get the shots.

In that mission you were running, make your pass, if the shot isn't there, don't push to get it, Hi yo-yo, or loop around for a new pass.

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2009, 04:51:51 PM »
Here is a N1k flight and I turned it on it's head too.

Yeah I wasn't really picking a target. Just flying around taking shots trying to hone my gunnery skills.

Impatience is a huge problem for me. When I am high and everything is going fast, but me, those bogies are dancing all around my plane at high speeds and I feel like I'm crawling.

I've been trying to get a friend into this game and he thinks all planes are flying at light speeds while he is coasting. That is the way it feels. I tired too show him in film that his speed is faster than it appears.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 05:01:26 PM by GenMata »

Offline GenMata

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Re: Hanger sound
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2009, 10:00:02 PM »
Trying the P38 again and trying to hold speed between 200 and 300 mph..
 All was well til I did a hi yo yo and speed was about 200 at the top and dropped to 194.
No rudders used here. The speed picked up to 200 and then went out of control.

I got plenty of kills before this small clip.
PJ is very unforgiven :(