Author Topic: Defining bad game-play  (Read 31733 times)

Offline Scotch

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #540 on: April 27, 2009, 01:50:36 AM »
However, does implementing further caps now encourage improvement in game play or concentrate it into even worse (ie furball area) because the mentality has already been set?

Offline Xasthur

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #541 on: April 27, 2009, 05:47:48 AM »
ROCKY showed me that bad game-play is still alive and well last night

1 v 1, no cons in the area....good merge, few turns... was starting to get close to yielding a result...... then what does he do?

Turns tail and runs to 3 different base acks.

I'd run out of fuel, so there was no point trying to RTB, so I tried to get 'suckered' into the ack just to get him to fight.


Absolute wuss and a waste of space.

If you want to run home, call it on 200.... I'll let you go every time. I just want a decent bloody fight... so say something instead of wasting everyone's time.

Bloody nancy-boy.

There was a time that I might have been frustrated by this... but these days I prefer to just stay cool and have fun. I wasn't upset... just confused.

1st fight back in months and that's what I got. Some fairy in a Pony that won't fight a fair fight.

Thankfully, GIRLY wasn't the only fight I had last night and I actually had some fun.

It was good to get back on... hopefully I can get my study and work load a bit more organised and get an hour or two of AH time per week.

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Offline moot

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #542 on: April 27, 2009, 06:33:28 AM »
Please, take the time to read this without your egos and assess it objectively.

What too many folks don't seem to get is the fact that not a single thing, in and of itself, mentioned here as "lame gameplay" is lame gameplay. They are all part of the game. What is "lame" about the gameplay these days is the idea that AH is a "race to reset" game. That leads people to believe that an "anything goes" mentality is "good gameplay" because it accomplishes their goals. Which, in turn, assures that they will continually take the path of least resistance because it is the path to success in the "race to reset".  THAT is bad gameplay.

A number of people have attempted to justify the way they play with statements about how vets treat newbies. That does nothing to further anyone's goals here, it simply obfuscates the truth, the only justification for the way people play the game is that it is what they want to do.

No one here is asking anyone to be a "baby sitter" or to police their fellow players. All that anyone can ask is that each player examine own his gameplay. Can you honestly say that you are making any effort to be a good and entertaining opponent? If not, then the odds are that you are part of the problem.
I don't think the race to reset (as if it actually happens that often) is wrong per se.  You could have great gameplay with such a race to reset.  The problem is definitely cheap gameplay choices and bad sportsmanship. 
I do agree with the last line, that's one way to boil it down.  There's definitely some of that even in non-reset gameplay.. A great, even GV standoff, no camping, in terrain that lends itself to lots of possible tactics, that's lasted for over an hour... And someone carpet bombs it.  Or capturing the TT bases.  That's like capturing bases at the DA lake. etc
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 06:36:03 AM by moot »
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #543 on: April 27, 2009, 06:02:14 PM »
ROCKY showed me that bad game-play is still alive and well last night

1 v 1, no cons in the area....good merge, few turns... was starting to get close to yielding a result...... then what does he do?

Turns tail and runs to 3 different base acks.

Yeah, he is a very boring person to fight.  I do not recall one fight I've had over the years against ROCKY where he didn't run in the middle of it.  Mace is another prime example and to think he's a trainer.  Though, while their flying maybe boring I wouldn't chalk it up to bad game play, more like limp wristed timid flying.

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Offline rvflyer

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #544 on: April 27, 2009, 06:06:48 PM »
The game could never be "even, or equal" If it was it would always be a stalemate.

...but does it have to always be at the other players expense? By taking 20 guys to crush 6 you may have fun....I don't see how 3 on 1 :rolleyes: but the "6" surely are in for a bad time. I know you can take a field with 10 guys, I know this because I've done it hundreds of times. This new wave of player though doesn't "know" it because they never do it. The only missions they are in are the ones with an over whelming force.

The same goes for a fight, if it 3 on 1 how much more fun would it be being the next guy in? Not much unless you succeed in stealing the kill from the other three guys chasing the "one" already, now you've pissed off 4 people. Its easy to fix, use common sense and go look for another fight.

I agree with you, there is nothing that ticks me off more than to be on someones 6 ready to fire and some dweeb comes flying in from on high and takes the kill after i have spent time maneuvering into position, this is worse than hoing IMO. On the other hand I have been in a large mission and some red guy well come into the mission all by themself and promptly get shot down, then get on 200 going on and on :cry about the  hordes. if you encounter a mission all by yourself stay out at least tell you can get re enforcements.
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Offline falcon23

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #545 on: April 27, 2009, 07:39:22 PM »
Please, take the time to read this without your egos and assess it objectively.

What too many folks don't seem to get is the fact that not a single thing, in and of itself, mentioned here as "lame gameplay" is lame gameplay. They are all part of the game. What is "lame" about the gameplay these days is the idea that AH is a "race to reset" game. That leads people to believe that an "anything goes" mentality is "good gameplay" because it accomplishes their goals. Which, in turn, assures that they will continually take the path of least resistance because it is the path to success in the "race to reset".  THAT is bad gameplay.

A number of people have attempted to justify the way they play with statements about how vets treat newbies. That does nothing to further anyone's goals here, it simply obfuscates the truth, the only justification for the way people play the game is that it is what they want to do.

No one here is asking anyone to be a "baby sitter" or to police their fellow players. All that anyone can ask is that each player examine own his gameplay. Can you honestly say that you are making any effort to be a good and entertaining opponent? If not, then the odds are that you are part of the problem.

     I dont run missions as often as I used too,mostly because I am not on as much as I used to be.
 BUT also because I tend to get into FB's much more and like the AvA combat,as well as Gv'ing.Check my scores and you will see that what I say is true..I also dont run for the reset as I used to do..

 Fugitive and others I think,are coming down on ALL sides that run big missions..Not just me,this is why I dont take it personally..

 If I was to bring 10 bomber sets,( total of 30 bombers)  into a large AF where a BIG furball was going on and take down all the FH,then this would get people ticked off.BUt it does happen,and sometimes it needs to happen,AND DONT QUOTE that part without quoting THIS PART,and that is.If it is a base that is close to our bases,and used to BE one of our bases,then yes,I and any other country would attempt to take it back..I am speaking of countrys NOT INDIVIDUALS in the sense that a COUNTRY would be glad they got the base back...That is my feeling on it after putting together the missions that I do.I do not think this is any different than a country KILLING A CV which has a good FB going on at it..But I can say that THE COUNTRY who does not own the cv will do their BEST to kill that CV..

 WHY?? because it is hard to judge what the other country wants..DO they really want to FB,or do they want to take the base with the cv..


      I guess if I had a gripe about game-play,it would be those people who come into a base at about 10K or so..and wait for people to up to fight,and the guys at 10K never even allow the other guys a chance to get even close to being able to fight them on a fair platform at ALT...And some of those people are the ones that are complaining about BIG MISSIONS..



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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #546 on: April 27, 2009, 08:34:32 PM »
This is bad game play to me... or why I hate flying late at night.

Climbed up to him, dragged him away for a 1v1.  1 minute film
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Offline StokesAk

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #547 on: April 27, 2009, 09:18:33 PM »
If I had a nickel for eveytime.............

Offline wrag

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #548 on: April 27, 2009, 11:12:41 PM »

Bad game play.....................  :devil :devil :t :t

How about anyone shooting at wrag?  :O

Does that work?  :P :P :P
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #549 on: April 27, 2009, 11:24:26 PM »
I dont run missions as often.....complaining about BIG MISSIONS..


Why bother to quote my post if you are going to ignore what I posted? You went straight to trying to obfuscate the issue with statements about your not running as many missions as you used to....etc.. No single thing you posted is lame. It's the frequency and volume of those things that make for lame game play.

Just curious, did you bother to read what I posted and, perhaps, answer the question I asked?

BTW, I don't really care if you answer here. This isn't about putting you on the spot. It is about attempting to get you to see what the problem is and hopefully, examine and adjust accordingly. :)

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Offline DMBEAR

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #550 on: April 28, 2009, 03:43:58 AM »
Here's an example of fellow knights.  I switched because the 26 x 7 x 6 was a wee bit Pink.  EDIT: The funny thing is that these squads use a V or o's in either squad.  Maybe they should just combine to a big (()).

« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 03:54:36 AM by DMBEAR »

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #551 on: April 28, 2009, 07:55:51 AM »
Yep, I called that one about 45 minutes before I logged.   
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #552 on: April 28, 2009, 11:11:39 AM »
Knits love those TankTown bases........................ ......   :confused:

Here's an example of fellow knights. 
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Offline falcon23

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #553 on: April 28, 2009, 06:22:58 PM »

Why bother to quote my post if you are going to ignore what I posted? You went straight to trying to obfuscate the issue with statements about your not running as many missions as you used to....etc.. No single thing you posted is lame. It's the frequency and volume of those things that make for lame game play.

Just curious, did you bother to read what I posted and, perhaps, answer the question I asked?

BTW, I don't really care if you answer here. This isn't about putting you on the spot. It is about attempting to get you to see what the problem is and hopefully, examine and adjust accordingly. :)

 Sorry baddy, I was not trying to give just my side or ignore what you  posted..

 I used to get on and it was about getting the reset.Dont do that much anymore..I cant say there is not a saturday or sunday I dont get on early,and think that maybe the map could get reset and start to work on it.

  But it is not about RACING to get the rest anymore.I run missions with many,and sometimes with not so many,and it is about getting bases..But it is a dimension of the game that I,as well as others enjoy.

  A good and entertaining opponent is what you asked..I honestly dont believe I am here to entertain the opponents..I see the crud that goes on 200,and so I really have to say that if MY GOAL is supposed to be to entertain those guys,then they are barking up the wrong tree..

 The chest thumpers on 200,NOT ALL on 200,but you know what I mean,go off about the lamest things and cry about stuff that goes on in the game all the time..And rarely do I see the whining about missions when they are going on..Once in awhile,but not often.

 But one can watch and see they get upset about the HO'ing,the cherrypicking,the SPAWN camping..etc..etc..And I am supposed to entertain that?? No,I dont believe that I could ever do enough to keep them happy nor entertained.

  I want to entertain myself,my squad,and the country I fly for..Thats where my entertainment lies..
And I can relate to the guys on 200 hollering about this or that,I do it MYSELF sometimes..But do I expect that the guy I am even talking to on 200 is going to see it,not really.Do I expect that the red guy flying away after I got the upperhand in the fight should turn around and ENTERTAIN me,he is protecting his skin,and after seeing some of what I consider to be GREAT sticks in the game run from me,not knowing who I was,and only later finding out that they ran due to the fact that they lost the upper hand in the fight,dosent make me feel the need to entertain the other side..


Offline StokesAk

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Re: Defining bad game-play
« Reply #554 on: April 28, 2009, 06:24:13 PM »
I think base taking is OK if it will start a fight. Enough from me.