The Spit 16 is far more capable and is a far more rounded aircraft that then Spit14. In the meager few mph the Spit 14 has over the Spit 16, the Spit 16 can trump with roll, turn, accel, etc. Oh, and it can carry 1000lbs of ord (3 bombs = 3 dead gv's), too.
Yeah, the Spit14 may come alive at 25,000 ft, but it can stay up there for oh... maybe... 5 min before it needs to start looking for home. Hardly worth the effort, really.
The Spit 14 is faster that the Spit 16, thats it. And not by much.
This is EXACTLY my issues with how HTC scores aircraft. If the Spit 14 warranted a 10 pt perk, then the C-Hog which gets used far more warrants a bit higher of a perk score. Again... a little inconsistant in scoring perks and ENY. *shrugs*... move on because it isnt going to get changed. HTC has spoken evidently.