Throw my two cents in here, I go in for the fight in terms of plane match up, I find it refreshing to not be hoed or ganged by 16's and lgays, there just something about that appeals to me, I like the feeling I get when I'm tooling along and see a lone P38 or such and then it's gametime, I think to myself "ok Tunes, it's one guy on his own, you can do it" sometimes I win and sometimes I'm back in the tower, but it's great fun and I personally think the fights are harder in there, there's some good sticks in there and I like to fly against them, In the MA you don't really get that chance as it's mostly one turn then a dive to friendlies or ack, hoping the bottom feeders lurking at 1k in the usual uber rides will get you.
I've never seen the likes of thrilla, Deldalos, Cavalier, shuffler etc run to the ack, those boys will take you on and fight you and that's what keeps me going in, if I am able to get a kill on one of thosew guys then that to me is better than landing 6/7 in the MA. Because I earned it. I don't get involved in the politics or anything else, I just like to fight and learn, There really is a stack of good sticks that fly in there and I would recommend anyone looking to learn to come in and fight, forget the politics and egos, just fight and fight and you'll improve in there after a few fights what would take you days and days in the MA. On a personal note, I've never once been trashed by anyone when shot down by them or indeed when I shot them down, instead I've had things like "good fight" 'nice try" etc So anyone thinking of going in just think about the great fights you'll get, sometimes they're over fast (Just don't underestimate a con flying on his own, they're on there own for a reason, they want to kill you!
) and don't assume your higher that you've got easy pickings either! So whatever your preference is (Luftwaffe keeping the Allied horde back from the Fatherland, or the USAAF Captain on a bombing run, or maybe an IJN Pilot fresh out of training and looking to avenge a Tokyo raid) you will have lots of fun and you will learn quick or die!