IMHO the Uhu has nothing to do within Ah before we have both night and nightfighting equipment, and that is going to be a lot more than 2 weeks.
For the job, we already have the 110 and the Mossie, as well as the Ju88, - they just have to be tweaked a bit. And they don't come much better than the Mossie. Isn't ours the NF anyway? It's got the dampers I think.
The Beaufighter would IMHO be a better choice, since it was fairly common, and completely multi-role. There you have a nightfighter with radar and quad-hizoo, as well as a rocket-carrying, torpedo carrying mean-horn. Only some 316 mph though. (out of memory). But a 300 mph torp aircraft with quad cannons in the nose is not in AH today