Author Topic: Possible Rule Modification  (Read 288 times)

Offline Hamltnblue

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Possible Rule Modification
« on: May 14, 2009, 03:15:10 PM »
Since the missed CiC issue has come up again and yet another group has to do last minute orders would it be better to modify a couple of lines in the rules? 
I suggest adding a note that the upcoming must post a note in the forums or message the CM's by say 10pm EST the Sunday before their CiC.  The note must confirm that someone has been assigned to perform the duty by squad member name or substitute.  If not posted by that time another squad will be found to fill in and the appropriate punishment panned out to the offending squad.  This way if there is an issue the fill in will have more time to get the job done. Also the punishment now is the offending squad will be suspended from the remainder of the event.  This does nothing to squads if it happens in Frame 3.  Possibly suspend for at least 1 frame in the following FSO if it happens in Frame 3?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 03:16:45 PM by Hamltnblue »