*highfive cit*
*finger mav*
the problems with ack on ships:
1) It can fire through superstructure and has no traverse limits. If the island of the ship is between you and the gun emplacement, it can still shoot at you.
2) It can instantly switch targets and range them. In the war, the shells had proximity fuses but thats it. They couldnt insta calculate lead to shoot at you at 10k distance.
3) Gunners instantly switch targets. Threes no settling time to re acquire and get a new solution.
4) You cant kilgunners. In the war, when dive bombers were making their attacks on shipping, fighters often strafed the gun emplacements to surpress fire. Cant do that here.
(I dont have as much of a problem with field ack since you are able to dodge and kill it, this pertains mostly to fleet ack, tho both field and fleet ack are flawed)
For instance. try killing an ostwind. You can double team them and play games with their heads. Why? Because they are *people* with *human minds*. Sometimes the little ostwinds will be tricky tho. One time i had a smart little ostwind fire a quick burst at a friendly plane. I swooped in for a quick strafing pass, figuring he was distracted, but he was looking right at me. I gave him a <S> for being a tricky little bastard.