Author Topic: Country Imbalance in Planeset  (Read 1639 times)

Offline Vermillion

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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« on: January 30, 2000, 12:56:00 PM »
Lets take a look at our Current Planeset.

US (7): B-17, B-26, C-47, P-51D, F4U-1C, F4U-1D, P-38 (in production, possibly multiple variants)
Germ (5): Fw190A8, Bf109F4, Bf109G2, Bf109G6, Bf109G10
UK (2): Spit IX, Spit Vb (in production)
Italy (2): C.205, C.202 (in production)
USSR (1): La-5FN
Japan (1): N1K2-J

Strong Rumors/Heavy Favorites:
Germ: Fw190F/G, Fw190A6
UK: Tempest
USSR: Yak-9T

Any I have missed?(please don't put your favorite here)

The point is pretty obvious, the USSR/Japanese planeset is sorely lacking.      

And its even worse for you Russian VVS pilot types. Not only are you limited to only one aircraft, its a midwar variant that is taking a severe beating in the arena right now.

Now don't get me wrong, the La-5Fn is outstanding in its appropriate time period. But with all the late war, fire breathing beasts we have in AH (and I love each and every one of them), it just can't realistically compete on that level.

Yes, the Yak-9T has been mentioned by HTC employees, as being "worked on". But have many of you looked at what it can do? Its basically a Spit Vb with a 37mm cannon. And while BFG 37mm's sound great, WB's pilots can tell you that it takes an experten pilot to get much out of one. In other words, it won't be anymore competitive in the arena than the La-5Fn. No wait... the La5 is twice the plane that the Yak-9T is.

Pyro, would you please consider the addition of a late-war VVS aircraft? A La-7, a Yak-3 (VK107),a P-63, or even a Yak-3P. These are all moderate to high production aircraft that played a significant part in the war(Yak-3P excepted), and are quite realistic in the current planeset.

The Japanese also are sorely in need (but they do have a late war plane at least). But at least consider the Ki-84, the A6M5, the Ki-61, or the Ki-44 that Funked and Wells suggested.

I'm sure this post will illict a storm of posts yelling "Where is my Spit XIV, the P-47M, my Fw190D9 and Ta 152 !!!!". **Yawn**

US aircraft supporting types, get a grip, the US is very well represented. And while the Brits may have an arguement, at least the Spit IX is quite competitive. Admittedly, the Luftwaffe crowd does need the Dora, but their planeset is quite developed, especially if the 190F/G and A6 is implemented soon. So take a deep breath, realize that you will get your favorites real soon, and support the aircraft from other countries for a slight change   You might be suprised and actuall like them.

Could the VVS and the Japanese aircraft get a little equal treatment here please?  

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"

Offline Westy

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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2000, 01:12:00 PM »
"Could the VVS and the Japanese aircraft get a little equal treatment here please? "

OF course. I'm an equal opportunity root for plane XXXXX kind of guy.

 I personally would like to see the Yak-3/K107 and a KI-61-II. Or maybe the Yak-9! It's just so darn butt ugly though  

Offline MiG Eater

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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2000, 02:38:00 PM »

You missed the UK Lancasters now in production for AH.  Thats the next bomber according to the powers that be.


Offline Fishu

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« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2000, 06:14:00 PM »
What I remember, rumour was about Fw190A-5, not A-6.

Also, I am not screaming after Fw190D-9, I WANT MY D-12 or D-13!!  

Japanese plane lacking? ehh....
N1K2 is better than you can wish for...
Turns, has guns, too fast, too tough... (maybe toughest armours of all fighters)
(even Ki-84 would be better, at least it doesn't seem to turn as well as N1K2.. according to WB models)
(god, heavy pig as n1k2 turns better than Ki-84...)

La-5FN is very fast   mixes up with the speed of late war planes..

If japs gets another super plane, i want to have one LW super plane..

Offline leonid

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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2000, 08:16:00 PM »
Well, if we were to get a late war VVS aircraft that was actually in serial production, then my choices would be the La-7 or the Yak-9U (which was slightly better than the Yak-3).

ingame: Raz

Offline Beegerite

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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2000, 11:11:00 PM »
Take this from a guy who spent a lot of time waiting for FA2 to properly model airplanes in the country with various airplanes mind set they have and then found that the P51 couldn't outclimb my old Cessna 150.  The most important thing is not which airplane but that the aircraft be modeled as accurately as possible.  This is the good thing about the AH idea of Rooks, Knights and Bishops.  Everybody can fly an airplane which is suited to the mission at hand.  Be grateful you've got people working at AH that seem to understand that principle.

Offline juzz

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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2000, 11:18:00 PM »
Personally I would like to see some(or all) of these Japanese Army aircraft:

Ki-44-IIb, -IIc
Ki-61-Ib, with two MG151/20 option
Ki-61-IIa, -IIb
Ki-84-Ia, -Ib and -Ic
Ki-100-Ia, OR -Ib with different canopy

And the J2M3 for the Navy too.

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2000, 10:56:00 AM »
Fishu, chill out a little  

I didn't say there was a problem with the N1K2, I was pointing to the size of the different plane sets.

American Planes: SEVEN

German Planes: FIVE

Japanese Planes: One

Russian Planes: One

And I don't know where you get that the N1K2 is fast. Its one of the slowest planes in the set, and its definitely the slowest of the late war planes.

And the La5FN is very fast? Please go do some flight tests and prove it too me.   The Spitfire IX and the 205 are the same approximate speed, and I don't think you would call either of them "very fast". Its just that the La5 accelerates very well, which is different from fast.  

Did Mannock leave any of his meds lying around when he left?? I think I hear Fishu starting to mumble something about a "Anti-Luftwaffe Conspiracy" again. Must be some variant of paranoid delusions.      

Seriuosly tho, I personally think the G10 is one of the best planes in the game. I would fly it myself, but I find that its gun package doesn't fit my style. I dont' know where you guys get the idea that you don't have a good aircraft.

My point was that it would be nice to have a planeset that would represent a broad spectrum of the planes that flew in the war. Not one where we have 23 American planes, 18 German planes, and one or two from every other country.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"

Offline juzz

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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2000, 03:24:00 PM »
Eh? The Spitfire F.IX in AH does like 425mph! That's slower than only the Bf109G-10, P-51D and maybe the F4U, and about 20mph faster than it should be!  

Something to keep in mind is that the 37mm in the Yak-9T(NS-37) is a far better gun than one in the P-39(M4). Fires heavier shells, with a faster ROF and MV.

It would be nice to have a bomber for each country(Tu-2, Ki-67, Ju88/188, Lancaster, SM.79 etc.) as well as some twin-engined fighter-bombers(Pe-2/3, Bf110, Beaufighter, etc.) as soon as possible.

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2000, 05:51:00 PM »
Ok Leonid you got my curiousity up  

Maybe you can fill me in on why you think the Yak-9U is better than the Yak-3.

Here is what I can find from my brand spanking new "Soviet Combat Aircraft of the Second World War", by Yefim Gordon and Dmitri Khazanov. Great book btw.

It seems that both the Yak-9U and the Yak-3 are derivatives of the Yak-1M project, and were in production in 1944. They both share the same Vk107A engine. The -9U was an improvement of the existing -9 airframe combined with the new engine, while the -3 was a ground up project.

Here are their important Specs (production aircraft #'s were used for both aircraft):
Empty Weight.....5,537.....5,171
Wing Loading...... 30 ..... 32
Power Loading.... 3.69..... 3.44
Speed at SL....... 357 .... 380
Speed at Alt...... 418 .... 447
(mph at x ft).....16,500 .. 18,750
Climb to 5km ...... 5.0 ... 3.9
Service Ceil......35,000 .. 38,750
Turn Time......... 20 ..... 18
(360 degrees)
Range............. 419 .... 658
Armament.......... 1x20mm.. 1x20mm
................ 2x12.7mm.. 2x12.7mm

Both are quite respectable, but my money is on the Yak-3. True the -9U has a better wing loading, but it seems that the -3 still out turns it. And its superior in every other category.

Plus we know Pyro has the data for the -3 and knows how to make a great model of it.

And Damn isn't it a truely beautiful fighter      


**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"

Offline Pyro

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« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2000, 06:02:00 PM »
There's always going to be a plane imbalance to some extent.  Larger at first, maybe not so bad later.  The U.S. had a lot of different major types.  Since we're just starting, the emphasis has been on arena play.  Special events will start to factor in a lot more in what we choose to do.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

"If it's stupid but works, it's not stupid."

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2000, 06:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by Vermillion:

And I don't know where you get that the N1K2 is fast. Its one of the slowest planes in the set, and its definitely the slowest of the late war planes.

And the La5FN is very fast? Please go do some flight tests and prove it too me.   The Spitfire IX and the 205 are the same approximate speed, and I don't think you would call either of them "very fast". Its just that the La5 accelerates very well, which is different from fast.  

Did Mannock leave any of his meds lying around when he left?? I think I hear Fishu starting to mumble something about a "Anti-Luftwaffe Conspiracy" again. Must be some variant of paranoid delusions.      

Seriuosly tho, I personally think the G10 is one of the best planes in the game. I would fly it myself, but I find that its gun package doesn't fit my style. I dont' know where you guys get the idea that you don't have a good aircraft.

My point was that it would be nice to have a planeset that would represent a broad spectrum of the planes that flew in the war. Not one where we have 23 American planes, 18 German planes, and one or two from every other country.

La-5FN should be as fast as spitfire.
Also it should accerlate better.

N1K2 .. if it aint fast, is it supersonic?
It can catch 109F4 - 109G2s at low, fairly easy.

Offline leonid

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« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2000, 08:06:00 PM »
Your average Yak-3 housed a VK-105PF2, whereas the Yak-9U had the more powerful, yet capricious, VK-107.  Hence, while the Yak-9U was a better performer, the Yak-3 was more reliable.  Of course, engine reliability is not modelled in AH, so the Yak-9U will be the better of the two.

Oh, and a La-5FN will pull away from a Spit & niki both in level flight, as long as it's not too high.


[This message has been edited by leonid (edited 01-31-2000).]
ingame: Raz


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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2000, 08:55:00 PM »
Leonid what about Yak-3U?


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Country Imbalance in Planeset
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2000, 08:57:00 PM »
"Special events will start to factor in a lot more in what we choose to do."

Sigh, Pyro is whispering sweet nothings into my ears...