Lets take a look at our Current Planeset.
US (7): B-17, B-26, C-47, P-51D, F4U-1C, F4U-1D, P-38 (in production, possibly multiple variants)
Germ (5): Fw190A8, Bf109F4, Bf109G2, Bf109G6, Bf109G10
UK (2): Spit IX, Spit Vb (in production)
Italy (2): C.205, C.202 (in production)
USSR (1): La-5FN
Japan (1): N1K2-J
Strong Rumors/Heavy Favorites:
Germ: Fw190F/G, Fw190A6
UK: Tempest
USSR: Yak-9T
Any I have missed?(please don't put your favorite here)
The point is pretty obvious, the USSR/Japanese planeset is sorely lacking.

And its even worse for you Russian VVS pilot types. Not only are you limited to only one aircraft, its a midwar variant that is taking a severe beating in the arena right now.
Now don't get me wrong, the La-5Fn is outstanding in its appropriate time period. But with all the late war, fire breathing beasts we have in AH (and I love each and every one of them), it just can't realistically compete on that level.
Yes, the Yak-9T has been mentioned by HTC employees, as being "worked on". But have many of you looked at what it can do? Its basically a Spit Vb with a 37mm cannon. And while BFG 37mm's sound great, WB's pilots can tell you that it takes an experten pilot to get much out of one. In other words, it won't be anymore competitive in the arena than the La-5Fn. No wait... the La5 is twice the plane that the Yak-9T is.
Pyro, would you please consider the addition of a late-war VVS aircraft? A La-7, a Yak-3 (VK107),a P-63, or even a Yak-3P. These are all moderate to high production aircraft that played a significant part in the war(Yak-3P excepted), and are quite realistic in the current planeset.
The Japanese also are sorely in need (but they do have a late war plane at least). But at least consider the Ki-84, the A6M5, the Ki-61, or the Ki-44 that Funked and Wells suggested.
I'm sure this post will illict a storm of posts yelling "Where is my Spit XIV, the P-47M, my Fw190D9 and Ta 152 !!!!". **Yawn**
US aircraft supporting types, get a grip, the US is very well represented. And while the Brits may have an arguement, at least the Spit IX is quite competitive. Admittedly, the Luftwaffe crowd does need the Dora, but their planeset is quite developed, especially if the 190F/G and A6 is implemented soon. So take a deep breath, realize that you will get your favorites real soon, and support the aircraft from other countries for a slight change

You might be suprised and actuall like them.
Could the VVS and the Japanese aircraft get a little equal treatment here please?

**MOL**, Men of Leisure,
Dicta Verm: "Never give the suckers an even break!" or translated "Never engage without an advantage"