Author Topic: Idea. Tell me what ya think...  (Read 672 times)

Offline jedi

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Idea. Tell me what ya think...
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2000, 11:23:00 AM »
Well, I don't think any B-29 pilots would actually launch without flaps, or with only 3 of 4 engines operating, so the idea may need a bit of refinement  

Perhaps set a minimum level of "resource points" for each plane (B-29 is more expensive than a Bf-109F).  If you bring back your B-29 with, say, 75 of its 100 resource points "intact," you get back 75 points.  If you bring it in on two engines, 1 1/2 wings, no gear, and then chew it up on landing, maybe its "salvage value" is only 10 points.

That 75 (or 10) points goes back into your "account," from which you "purchase" the perk planes.  After all, you didn't really "buy" the planes you flew, but if you pranged too many, your CO sure wasn't going to trust you with the only prototype Dora on the field, was he?  


[This message has been edited by jedi (edited 12-27-2000).]

Offline Betown

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Idea. Tell me what ya think...
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2000, 04:59:00 PM »
Your Idea is good Jedi, but do you not think that buy just "borrowing" the aircraft it becomes a bit boaring? Would it not be more fun if it was actualy "YOUR" aircraft and you had to decide if you wanted to fix it or not? I think that this would give everyone a lot more envolvment and deapth into the game. Make the flyers more careful over something that actualy "was" theres?

Offline jedi

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Idea. Tell me what ya think...
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2000, 05:29:00 PM »
Hmmm.  Hadn't thought of it as a method to promote "survival instinct."    I suppose I would be more cautious with my one-of-a-kind wunderbird if I had to pay for the new landing gear, etc.