They've had tornado warnings around some of the metropolitan areas of So-Cal over the past few years too... it's wicked weather, I hope you guys are all ok in Texas.
Most of our problems here in Cali are avoided simply by being prepared (even for earthquakes)... but unfortunatley, most homeowners here in So-Cal really don't know much about owning a home or keeping that home prepared.
Mudslides: Those complaining are the homeowners who built or purchased their McMansions via carving a chunk out of hill with 200-300% slopes with a retaining wall higher than the house's rooftop, or at the bottom of a canyon. Some of the winter storms here can be real drenchers. A stack of sandbags on standby in the garage, and the physical and mental ability to use them goes a very long way during the worst of the storms.
Wildfires: Those complaining are the ones too cheap or too lazy to break out the weed-wacker each year and clear all the brush around their property (the more space you clear, the better). Then they are also the ones who cry murder at the fire departments because they think it's a trivial task for trained firefighters to defend a house against a fire traveling 20-40 mph, fed by 50+ mph winds and 10-foot tall-n-thick brush all the way up to the side of a structure.
Earthquakes aren't THAT bad out here, the last major one I remember was the Northridge. We know they happen and are prepared for them. Big earthquakes can happen anywhere, so I'm more confident living in an area that deals with them regularly and is prepared for them than an area where most people (and the infrastructure) aren't.