<------ Grapevine near the mall
Yikes! I just made it home from my evening walk. Bad timing.
The wind just came out of nowhere. (just high wind no tornado) I was walking along the trail by the golf course and started getting pelted HARD by sand, pebbles, sticks, crap! At first I was laughing but then it started to freakin hurt! It was coming pretty straightline so I was able duck lke a commando behind the rows of cars in my apt lot and miss most of the projectiles. I was literrally see pool chairs, roof tiles, vent covers and big torn off tree limbs (25lbs) tumbling along the road. Lots of lightning and lights of apt flashing on and off. One spanish guy opened his apt door and was waving me in but I was reasonably close to home by then.
That was mildly exciting.