Well I'll come out right now and give my official position concerning upping a PBY and spending 45 mins floating out to you, and then 45 mins floating back in, "BTW this goes for family, friends, squaddies, whomever".
Dont even ask. Cause if I dont care about my own score why would I care about yours?
Who knows? Maybe with enough involvement, player interest, and maybe perkies for picking up downers? Maybe the PBY would fly and be a good addition. I gotta tell you tho that with some of the prema-donnas we have in game, yaknow the screamers and whiners when nobody watches their "6"? We'd have an awful lot of screaming to be picked up. I bet we'd also have a lot more of mowing down defenseless little stick pilots as they flutter to the ground.
It just seems like a can of worms we really dont need opened. Not with the other holes we have in the plane sets already. But hey, to each their own.