Man I have been checking that forum for a couple of weeks now. Let me just say this some people's beliefs were confirmed. Most the what I have been seeing has been along the lines of "It feels like I paid $40 to play a beta." Along with people being worried about what they see as an ominous silence from NeoQB and few if any posts on their boards by NeoQB staff. I would tell anyone considering picking up the game to go and peruse the forum. Keep in mind and be forewarned that their is a rather large "Cheerleader" type mentality from some of the people over there, some of them were/are beta testers, that attack anyone that brings up the games flaws or has "nervous money." It has some good information on the game, it's flaws, it's good points, and everything in between. If you are looking for the DRM posts they are in another forum that you must be a member of the boards to read.