I take it that it was the only time he ever killed me in a 1v1? I was on a 109G14 with gondies and made the mistake of fighting his fight. So I make this challenge to you dawger. DA anytime buddy, and your more then welcome to post that film to but I suspect you wont.
I don't know that you fought his fight as much as U just fought a stupid fight. Much more so then I'd have expected based on past interaction with you....especially when you basically had him cornered (in the sense he didn't have E to control the fight).
Oh BTW hope you like it dawger. Karaya would be proud of me. (Please excuse the bad aiming, the 'enemy' was bobbing everywhere and I don't fly that plane enough to know its ballistics.) l l l \/http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/4/24/1013733/dawgerpwn.ahf
First a HO on the merge.........at 12 K......In an arena that frowns upon the ho........ Oh wait.I forgot who you were fighting. They dont do that.My graphics card must be screwy.Could swear Larry tried to Ho you on the merge and the following turn.
Hey look its the stalker again! Is Larry's ankle really that good?You're starting to scare me, I think you need to take some of those meds you have strewn around you're rat's nest.
How was the FSO last night Larry?
Yes letting you have anything to do with AvA after totally disrespecting the guys who set up the FSO's was pretty stoooopid.
That last thing it needs is a bunch of self inflated circle jerkin piss ants dictating how everyone should fly