Hey Tyler,
It's good to see you've taken a liking to Special Events. Finding a "scenario squad" may prove to be a bit difficult. During registration for a scenario, you sign up for a plane you'd like to fly and are put in a squadron from there. If you haven't yet, I suggest making an account at ahevents.org. You can do that by clicking on this link---->
http://ahevents.org/test-cb/registers.htmlFSO (Friday Night Squad Ops.) is a different story. Alot of squads fly FSO. When looking for a squadron in the MA, ask if they are signed up for FSO. You can also show up in the Special Events Arena before an FSO event (try and get in there around 10:30 EST) and ask if anyone needs an extra pilot. There's always someone who needs more help.
Good Luck.