In what way was the physics in the trailer not correct in your opinion?
They're canned. It looks corny. The battles I had as a kid, using battletech (or whatever brands they were, they changed a couple of times, and for the worse unfortunately) toys and giant improvised Lego mechs with GI Joe figures, looked better than this trailer. Incidentally, one of the reasons it seemed they kept changing names was because they needed novelty to keep the franchise profitable. Even as a kid it was obvious that a corny (because underfunded) cartoon couldn't keep going for long, compared to a show that had a real epic feeling to it. That's the difference between cheapo shallow eye candy and real art. When Freespace 2 came out, that sense of depth, or huge dimensions with the long range beams and everything tuned to look just right, really paid off. Those kind of tweaks make the difference between corny and beautiful.
The same way any kid with a love of machines will be glued to the screen when he sees a game like Gran Turismo with its (when it came out) excellent physics AND esthetics. e.g. Watching a replay of a car racing thru a technical left-right with the camera set at just the right angle low on the ground at aligned thru the racing line between the two kinks, so that you can see the momentum of the car beautifully curve asymptotically from sideways to forward motion, while the suspension is working the curb and the back inside wheel just about lifts off.. all rendered beautifully.
When Shogo came out, it was the kinda game where you really didn't have any use arguing physics. It was just anime. Compare with Heavy Gear 2. Firing a long range missile at a target, you would hear the explosion muffled just right.. It totally immersed you. You don't need to have a perfectly realistic recreation of reality to have that kind of immersion. Demolition Derby was really arcade, with the ridiculously exagerated power slides and durability. But the physics and esthetics were done just right that it all fit together seemlessly, regardless.
When I saw and now again see that MW trailer, the way the mech pitches and yaws in recoil from impacts is cheap. It's canned. It takes away from the immersion. The way he walks into the smoke when it was obvious that something had just walked up, that's cheap too.. Any kid knows it. It's as in-credible as any deus ex in an otherwise good book or movie.