I've seen so many problems posted all over this site. We need a Patch 2.14 forum to post. (like our Beta forum)
Some of the issues I've seen:
Cannot read gauges, ammo, clipboard sectors lines/numbers, and the skins are all blurred.
CV puffy is WOW. Been Killed from at least 8 miles away laterally from the carrier group.
- CV Auto ack is shooting above 7k, which was standard in previous version. Have not tested field ack.
Major warpage.
I've been running Terrain Off and getting 70-80s but teens and 20's with it on (Im on a laptop with a nicer but old gfx card).
One of my passions is making films and Wallpapers for AH, but no way can I pursue any of that with the way the skins look.
Major point here is a forum to post bugs, problems etc to keep it outta the Gen Disc...
>> HTC