Author Topic: New perks to be implemented  (Read 2849 times)

Offline Vector

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New perks to be implemented
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2001, 02:42:00 AM »
Yeah, why not just perk every plane except F6F-5, Hurricane, 109F-4, C202, A6M5 and LA-5 (every country has one non-perk plane). When opening account, you have certain amount of perks, if you run out of them, you can fly non-perk to get perk enough to fly your favourite or there also should be other ways to get fighter perks like:
- supply missions
- drive the train (lol)
- strat bombing should give you fighter perks too
- <put here you idea>



"Totis Viribus-With All Our Might"

Offline J_A_B

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New perks to be implemented
« Reply #76 on: November 24, 2001, 02:44:00 AM »
"You say you should be able to fly whatever plane you want 8 perks isnt going to stop that. "

Speak for yourself Wotan.  Judging by perk plane usage in the MA, perking a plane might as well remove it from the game--perk planes are at best uncommon.  

Perk my favorite ride and I'm not going to waste what little online time I have flying some stupid POS I don't even like just to "earn" the right to fly the plane of my choice.  I'll just quit AH and go elsewhere.

The guys who like 109F's and Spit 5's and such can fly their plane of choice whenever they want--nobody's stopping them.  Hell, they even get a points BONUS for flying them!   If they don't fly "their" plane because it's "not good enough" for the MA, then they're not really all that interested in it.   I still fly the 51D although it pretty much sucks arse against things like 51B's, LA7's and anything COALT.  I'd be flying it in an arena with unperked 262's.

The whole argument of "Take away the fast planes" is still stupid, because if you DO take away the fastest planes you just end up with a different group of fastest unperked planes.  With the LA7, P-51, Dora gone planes like the LA5 and YAK and 190A8 will become the runners of the arena.  Will you end up perking those too solely on the basis of their speed?  Where does it stop?  If a plane is faster, you shouldn't whine if it uses that to its advantage.  That's as lame as whining about a Zero out-turning you.

In the end, if you choose to fly a plane that isn't the fastest, you should expect to meet up with something that'll outrun you sometime.  Just as someone who flies a poor-turning plane will eventually end up low and slow with a Zeke on his 6.  

No matter how I look at this argument, it still degenerates into "perk it because its better than MY plane".  


Offline Vermillion

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New perks to be implemented
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2001, 07:58:00 AM »
Like J_A_B said, there is always going to be a faster plane. Perk the planes Ammo wants, and then the BnZ crowd will just go to F4U-1's, P-51B's, Fw190A8's, and the Yak-9U.

Ok. Perk them too. Oh wait, now there is just another set of "fastest" planes. Perk them too.

Whoooo Hoooooo !!! Now we're all flying Spit IX's and N1K2's.

Sorry Ammo, we've known each other a long time. But I do gotta agree that this is the old "Its better than my favorite ride, so I want it Nerfed/Porked/Perked arguement."