OK me and cobra45 thoguth of this while battling in TT tonight
A squad vs squad event where 10 of the best/volunteers from each squad battle is out till one squad loses all 10 men. If we do get enough squads to join we can make a tourney or at the LEAST a league. This could be a great way for squadws to battle it out for the title of best gving squad...EI: THE FEW vs. THE CLAIMJUMPERS. 10 of best gvers from each squad. Start about 17-20 miles away from each other. No rules ( ei: flanking and spliting up is allowed). ALL out battle till 1 squad loses all 10 men. The winner (tourney) can move on to next round and battle a different squad say a week later. In a league, The bracket keeper can keep track of wins and loses for all squads. Possibly for each player if this becomes a big enough event. Your suggestions, yes or no's, would be greatly appreiciated. Thanks a lot and see yo uin the skies <S>!