Do not spend money on tool buys set up through the school. They are expensive and will generally set you up with stuff that you will never touch.
Go buy a cheap roll around tool box at a pawn shop. Use this to start with.
Here's a list of must haves:
Screw driver set ((get Snap On as there are no substitutes) your future boss will not want you destroying hardware by using a crappy screwdriver.)
Set of wrenches from 1/4" to 1"
Three Adjustable wrenches
Assortment of Pliers from duckbills to regular
Couple of ball peen hammers
Brass Hammer
Plastic Hammer
Decent scraper
set of steel punches
set of chisels
brass punch
center punch
Socket set (1/4inch sockets to start)
used drill
cleco pliers
Vice grips (only get "vicegrip" brand)
couple of scales and a compass
used rivet gun (NOT an air hammer)
used bucking bars
Decent Ohm Meter
The above will get you started. As you move into your career, you will see what you need later.
My tool boxes and tools are easily valued over $200k with everything I now have. I go from everything I first bought at Sears to the welders, borescopes, electronics, and assortment of everything I have.
I have been in Aviation maintenance since I was 16 (over 20 years now). It is a field full of adventure and can be very satisfying. Just don't let people talk you into crap you don't need. As Mav said, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me, as I have been there and done it, from working for airlines, fbo's and running a restoration shop.