I saw the most disgusting hoard tonight I have ever seen playing this game. Tonight there were two bases close together. Usually, with close bases, you get some guys that fly low and start things off. Then, you get your next vertical layer another 5k up from that. Then, you get another vertical layer 5k above that. Etc etc, until you got morons flying above the clouds, then diving down looking for little black dots. Anyway, tonight, these two close bases had hoards each to their own and with only their "own" country men. Neither would venture to to the next closest base, just a few miles away. Let me explain again.
There were 20 green guys flying at their base, and 20 red guys flying at their base, but not a single one of them would venture forth to engage a fight. Each group of 20 flew over their base for at least a half hour, waiting for one single sucker to fly into their so well built hoard bee hive. Out of 40 people, meaning the two bases of 20 each, I was just about the only one who had the nerve to fly into the hoard and try and drag one out. Hell, I went into the hoard and tried to fight 5 or 6 of them at the same time. Everybody else just flew around over their own base and grabbed more E. Cowards. Nothing but cowards.
40 Fighters and I am the only fighting. Well, me and the other 5 or 6 guys chasing me. But then, actually, that really is just me fighting, isn't it? Cowards, nothing but cowards. Disgusting.