Some interest was given to this in the Special Events forum so figured it was worth a shot
here. I consider this one of the last true frontiers in Aces High so it would be a fun event. Great
bombers are capable of hitting any target at any alt in the main arenas. With some practice its
not hard and many find it gets boringly easy, in the main arena who could blame them. However,
when is the last time you had to use a manual sight and fight wind. Go high enough and suddenly
that hanger looks like moving target. If your one who things bombing is easy, well, here is your
shot at glory. If you think bombing is boring, come watch everyone try not to miss.
The format could go something like this....
Plane: Every pilot gets his or her choice of formation, fuel, plane, and ordnance load out.
Wind: Ten to twenty mph winds with realistic layers. Direction and strength will be unknown
to the players beforehand. Wind shear will be present so that bombing direction will not
effect precision.
Takeoff: Players will air spawn at 20,000 feet, fifty to one hundred miles away from target.
Target: Will be any town, strategic, or civilian target set for instant respawn.
Score: This is were the competition will get interesting...
The score to be determined by damage divided by dropped bomb weight time altitude in
thousands of feet. The winner would be determined from film, logs, and bomb damage.
The formula written out would look like this...
(Damage/Dropped Weight) * Altitude= Score
So someone can drop three 250 kg bombs from a single Ki-67 at 30,000 feet and have a
equal footing with a formation of Lancasters dropping 2,000lb bombs at 10,000 feet. A
combination of logs and film will verify drop altitude, bomb quantity and weight.
The event should last about an hour to an hour and a half. So how about it.....who would you be
up to the challenge? The rules can be adjusted/finalized later but for now would you be interested?
Strip (Secret Bomber Dweeb)