Oh I think they want to get good, but on their terms. I see this, a lot, from "gamers". Games are very structured in the 'gaming' world, even the on-line crowds of XBOX and Play station. That's because the situations are 'structured' to be 4 on 4 matches, 12 v12 or other fixed count, fixed situation, fixed everything. They learned to excel within a fixed frame work that removes variables like being out numbered or out gunned. Only individual skill matters and that's what 'Gamers' focus on...THEIR individual skill.
The cool thing about the MMOs is that one must learn to adapt to factors such as being outnumbered, outgunned, and out ENY-ed.
I don't think this is a problem with the game, that needs to be fixed. It just means this game is not for everyone. Or that those seeking to demonstrate their skill level through ever increasing success, in successive missions, need to adjust their expectations to how well they did under the circumstances. OR get on the radio and change the circumstances.