Well,me and some squaddies were in the DA last night,and we came up with a crazy idea. We went to a base and tried something just for fun that was a little on the noob side, but the more we did it,the more I thought that it could be a fun event to have every couple of weeks.
I called it jousting,to joust,we would take 2 planes and line up on opposite runways,then we would roll and try to kill ourselves before the other player did "this was all we could do as killshooter was enabled
" The rules were simple:NO firing beyond 800,and you cannot spawn out. If neither of the players suffered serious damage on the first run,they would then take to the skies and duke it out. I could make some changes to it and make it more challenging if I needed to,but I just wanted to let the AH community in on it and get your input and ideas. So,what do you guys think? Is it a go or no-go?