'Lost'? The scores and stats record all kills and deaths that happen. Nothing's 'lost'.
The point I'm trying to make is that you should stop commenting/pontificating on what is proper game play and what it's like, how easy it is to do things etc. when you have so little experience doing much of anything yourself.
No, no, no. I mean like got it stolen or he made it back, or I only got an assist. I lost that P-51b kill, lost a Bf110 kill, 2 gunship or field gunner kills, and a B-26kill. However, It also shows I was killed less times than is true by an A20, Bf110, and one less death by a Spit16.
I'm not saying killing a B-29 will be easy. In fact, I'm betting it will be challanging. What I'm saying is this: If a player who has, for all practical pourposes, just started playing, can kill a B-25 in a P-52B with 4x .50's, then a player more expirenced than I, should be able to kill a B-29 with a P-38, or a Fw-190, or a Yak-9U.