Author Topic: Love Saturday Nights  (Read 3807 times)

Offline 5PointOh

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2009, 11:04:36 PM »
There was no defense because you guys did this for hours on end.  Just up 45-50 guys and freight train a field.  After the first three times, people decide to just let you have the's just not worth the time, and it certainly isn't fun.

Most of the rooks that defended against your first 10 hordes said "screw it" and went to the real fun (and even) fight between knit and rook around A33 (i think) on Baltic.  This left you hordemasters the reset.  It's a shame, because I love Baltic as a map.  There were 2 guys up just giving a running count on your field tallies so Rooks could land their kills.  

If that doesn't prove how dweebish you are, nothing will.

I'm sorry Moray, but this particular instance did not occur on baltic. This was on the current map in Orange. The map is still up.
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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2009, 01:20:02 AM »
they also flew straight past a group of lancs and 110's otw to their HQ and let us go. ????????
No thank you Turkish, I'm sweet enough.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2009, 05:34:54 AM »
we horde for the following reasons

We hate other peoples fun and must kill it wherever and whenever we can.

We are nowhere near as leet as you and have no skills so we must horde to survive.

We actually enjoy flying with squaddies and friends and blowing stuff up and landing kills isn't as important as who you fly with.

And probably the most important reason.....we realize guys like you need something to cry on the boards about otherwise you take it out on your wife/girlfriend/pets.
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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2009, 07:16:16 AM »
 Just up 45-50 guys and freight train a field.

45-50 guys??

Aren't you exagerating just a little bit??

Typical. :rolleyes:

Think about it now, weren,t there really only 20 or so of the little devils??

Or were the other 20 or 30 guys doing the evil Noe dance?

And I bet they "freight trained" 30 fields too!!

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2009, 09:46:43 AM »
Hordes can have fun I guess. I personally am not interested in being in one. To me a horde is insignificant no matter what size. I can fly against them or go elsewhere. If the terrain changes it changes for everyone.... even those that did not capture a thing. It doesn't keep me or anyone else from flying.
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Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2009, 08:20:10 AM »
Honestly, explain to me where the fun is in upping with 39 other guys, grabbing alt for 15 minutes, then flying half a sector to watch as the guys out front wipe everything out. Your left circling a destroyed field with no uppers. Please, with an honest answer, where is the fun in that?
To each his own.

I don't see the fun or challenge of taking down 3 lancs in a 262, but people do it. 

A couple of nights ago I upped on a capped field against the Devils Rejects and had a good time.  :salute

The only problem that I have with hordes is that my frame rate dips if too many bad guys are in the area.
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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2009, 08:25:30 AM »
i was in a horde of one a few weeks ago.

i saw a low c2, and thought "yaknow what? that guy is stupid flyng alone like that."

so me, and my horde of myself and i inned on that lone c2.

me myself and i twisted and turned, we stalled once or twice, but eventually, the horde of me myself and i was too much for him.

llgaf<<S>> it was, and always is fun fights against you sir. even if me myself and i did horde ya.  :rofl :noid :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2009, 04:48:04 PM »
Who knows what is the fun in that.

But if they are having fun doing it, then it is their right.

If you don't like it, then don't do it.  Pretty simple.  But why not go find your own fun, and quit trying to dictate to them how to have theirs.

No where in any of my post did I "dictate" to anyone how to have fun, I just asked a question looking for an honest answer. You on the other hand "told" me (aka dictate)  "to find my own fun". Funny thing was, is a bunch of us had been going back and forth at those two bases for a couple of hours HAVING FUN until the horde came in and flattened everything.

Keep up your assumptions. I am not the best, nor do I aspire to be the best in something as trivial as this hobby because this is NOT my only hobby. I'll be out in the real-worldly fresh air so someone else can take over abusing your sand box.

Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture. Do you live on a mountain? Maybe the air is a bit thin up there, because its pretty simple math to figure out that even if all 38 P47's and ponys on carried 2 bombs each the was more ordinance than there was targets. The screen shot also shows 38 in your mission, and 6 up defending, so that means 6 A2A kills, and a few vulches, so even if it was spread out to just one each its still less than a third of your force got a kill.

You guys see a post from me on this stuff and I'll bet most of you who "defend the horde" don't even read them, or it you do, your so blinded by your "indignation" that your don't understand what is written.  I AM ALL FOR MISSIONS ! Even missions with 40-50 guys in them. I'm sure many people are both for joining, and for fighting against, after all the whole idea of this game is for combat, and what better way to have combat than set up missions. The problem is using 40-50 guys to hit one base!! Years ago on the big maps when they first came out the counties/teams would set up Combined Squad Ops. I remember we must have had 8 or 9 squads working together one night, 70-80 guys !!! The battle raged for hours, on 3 fronts. We won some bases, we lost some bases, but we all had fun friends and ENEMIES alike.

The idea of posting a "horde" post, and asking the question "where's the fun in that?" is to get people to think. If those that flew for 45 minutes only to land at the freshly capture.... and totally annihilated base say to themselves..... "hmmm sure was fun flying with that group, but I didn't do squat, I'll bet it would have been better if they split some of us off to sink the CV too it could have been better" then maybe the next mission might have a few more elements to it, a bit more challenge to it, a bit more fun for both sides to it.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2009, 04:57:37 PM »
No where in any of my post did I "dictate" to anyone how to have fun, I just asked a question looking for an honest answer. You on the other hand "told" me (aka dictate)  "to find my own fun". Funny thing was, is a bunch of us had been going back and forth at those two bases for a couple of hours HAVING FUN until the horde came in and flattened everything.

Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture. Do you live on a mountain? Maybe the air is a bit thin up there, because its pretty simple math to figure out that even if all 38 P47's and ponys on carried 2 bombs each the was more ordinance than there was targets. The screen shot also shows 38 in your mission, and 6 up defending, so that means 6 A2A kills, and a few vulches, so even if it was spread out to just one each its still less than a third of your force got a kill.

You guys see a post from me on this stuff and I'll bet most of you who "defend the horde" don't even read them, or it you do, your so blinded by your "indignation" that your don't understand what is written.  I AM ALL FOR MISSIONS ! Even missions with 40-50 guys in them. I'm sure many people are both for joining, and for fighting against, after all the whole idea of this game is for combat, and what better way to have combat than set up missions. The problem is using 40-50 guys to hit one base!! Years ago on the big maps when they first came out the counties/teams would set up Combined Squad Ops. I remember we must have had 8 or 9 squads working together one night, 70-80 guys !!! The battle raged for hours, on 3 fronts. We won some bases, we lost some bases, but we all had fun friends and ENEMIES alike.

The idea of posting a "horde" post, and asking the question "where's the fun in that?" is to get people to think. If those that flew for 45 minutes only to land at the freshly capture.... and totally annihilated base say to themselves..... "hmmm sure was fun flying with that group, but I didn't do squat, I'll bet it would have been better if they split some of us off to sink the CV too it could have been better" then maybe the next mission might have a few more elements to it, a bit more challenge to it, a bit more fun for both sides to it.

hey fugi.......just so ya post wasn't a shot at you, or anyone else.

i was having fun, and my "warped humor" dial was turned up a little high this morning.  :D
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline 5PointOh

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2009, 05:03:38 PM »
BTW I was light and I did get a kill, anyways.  By no means am I am trying to be condsending, but we actually did take two bases at once. Some went for the base and town, others went for cap, others went onto the V-base to knock out hangers and pork troops and others went for the CV anchored off the coast. So yes at the point where you seen everyone grouped up there may have been 38 planes. But in the larger picture many of those 38 planes did split off into various directions.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2009, 09:00:51 PM »
Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture. Do you live on a mountain? Maybe the air is a bit thin up there, because its pretty simple math to figure out that even if all 38 P47's and ponys on carried 2 bombs each the was more ordinance than there was targets. The screen shot also shows 38 in your mission, and 6 up defending, so that means 6 A2A kills, and a few vulches, so even if it was spread out to just one each its still less than a third of your force got a kill.

No, actually. If you look slightly to the left, I live near Nyssa, Oregon. There are no mountains here, and no soap box to stand on to preach my own definition of proper Aces High ediquette & protocol. The air is quite fresh here amongst the farms, fields & sagebrush, and I know that if yer' horse bucks you off, you don't cry to Mommy about it.

These folks made a choice to join the mission. It is quite impossible to force them to join. I apologize if my demeanor is too likeable by those on the Bish side of the fence for your exhalted taste. I believe you, sir, want me to make things easier to appease you. Kind of like pureeing carrots.
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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2009, 12:05:08 AM »
It is if it's the only real fight going on on the map at the time.

Honestly, explain to me where the fun is in upping with 39 other guys, grabbing alt for 15 minutes, then flying half a sector to watch as the guys out front wipe everything out. Your left circling a destroyed field with no uppers. Please, with an honest answer, where is the fun in that?

Fugitive, I guess this is the question you want answered.  Well, there is no single answer.  Using your numbers, 39 guys in the mission would probably have 39 reasons why they joined the mission.  Each person has their own idea what is fun, just like each player in Aces High has their own reason for playing.

Some may join to be with friends.  Some may be new to the game and are just hanging out with the crowd.  One may have been ganged one to many times that night, and wanted to be on the side that was doing the ganging.  Maybe someone was tired of GVing and decided to fly a little.  Maybe there was someone who gets a thrill out of seeing a building blow up.  There are countless reasons, and there is no way someone could answer your question with a single reason.

Myself, I join to be with friends.  After they roll a couple of bases, I get bored, so I usually hang around one of the bases we took and start defending.  Usually a pretty good furball starts as a result of the base being taken.  They may still be running missions, but I'm in a furball which is what I like.  Sometimes I join because when I see who is in them I know there is going to be some funny conversations while enroute. 

So the bottom line is there is no single honest answer.  One thing to consider is, what is fun to one may not be fun to another.  I don't understand why someone climbs to 20,000 feet time after time to get some picks, and then run as soon as someone gets co alt.  I guess they are having fun their way, so be it.  We each play to have fun, at least I hope that's why we all play the game, but your fun may not be whats fun to another or vice versa.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2009, 04:28:47 PM »
No, actually. If you look slightly to the left, I live near Nyssa, Oregon. There are no mountains here, and no soap box to stand on to preach my own definition of proper Aces High ediquette & protocol. The air is quite fresh here amongst the farms, fields & sagebrush, and I know that if yer' horse bucks you off, you don't cry to Mommy about it.

These folks made a choice to join the mission. It is quite impossible to force them to join. I apologize if my demeanor is too likeable by those on the Bish side of the fence for your exhalted taste. I believe you, sir, want me to make things easier to appease you. Kind of like pureeing carrots.

Now there is a class act. Couldn't reply without throwing out sarcastic remarks, innuendo, and insults.

Maybe you look at as "making it easier", but I look at as making it more fun for everyone. You already do this to a certain extent. I'm sure even if your low and slow and another guy dives in on you you still try to fight it out from a loosing position. You could bail and deny the guy a fight, but you stick it out. It's more fun for you, and I'm sure its more fun for the guy your fighting.

A horde is the same thing, the horde denies the defenders a chance to fight. But hey, rock on dude. You killed a good fight that people were having fun at for more than 2 hours. You didn't want to be bothered with hitting any of the other 35-40 bases along the front you could have chosen.

Fred, I guess I wasn't really looking for an answer to the question. You are right, there could be many answers to fit there. I guess the point of the question was to get people to think a bit about the situation. Did they really have fun in that mission? Being one of the last third of the force to get to the base and find it flattened, and no bad guys up to shoot down. Maybe to get them thinking, "What could we have done different to make it more fun for more people?"

But thanks for a great reply.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2009, 05:21:50 PM »
Well.... I can easily say that I have never heard any type of complaint about Egg's missions. Seem's like 9 out of 10 times he has to add more slots because more people want to join up and have a good time. Oops, I had to say "have a good time", sorry you don't agree with people playing the way they want to but it has been noted for future disregard.

If this type of horrible behavior offends you so much that you feel the need to get a thread going...  you might want to seek some other form of cartoon pilot entertainment.

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Re: Love Saturday Nights
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2009, 06:25:43 PM »
I just asked a question looking for an honest answer.

Fred, I guess I wasn't really looking for an answer to the question.

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