Author Topic: unintended side effect?  (Read 345 times)

Offline stodd

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unintended side effect?
« on: September 07, 2009, 09:57:12 PM »
Not really a bug I suppose. However I believe this was an unintended side effect. Removing the hedgerow behind the main pad VH on a vehicle base  allows for someone to "camp" the vh by sitting 2k off the field and still have a shot on the spawn in point inside VH. This IMO has made it even harder to kill the camper(s) because you need to get them ranged on top of Turning your turret around before they hit you with a rear armor shot.
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

Offline sethipus

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Re: unintended side effect?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 04:16:21 PM »
It should also make it a lot harder for them to get a kill-shot every shot, which means it'll be a lot easier to get out of the hangar alive within just a few ups.  I'd be more concerned about the guy camping the hangar from 400 yards out and half-hidden by the side of the indestructable.  Still, there's a lot worse things in the world than a camped vh.  And for a crew taking a vbase, achieving a camped vh through battle is a good thing, they've probably had to earn it, and makes it possible to possibly take that base without having to destroy all the hangars.  I'm not sure this is a bad thing.